
What causes oral leukoplakia?

The exact cause of oral leukoplakia is still unknown, although certain risk factors have been identified. More
than 80% of patients with oral leukoplakia have a history of tobacco use and the condition is six times more
common among smokers than non-smokers. Other risk factors include excessive alcohol use (especially in
people who also smoke), a weakened immune system, long-term treatment with immune suppressing
medications, a history of cancer, a family history of cancer, and in some cultures, the chewing of areca nut and
betel leaf.

What is oral leukoplakia?

Oral leukoplakia (leuko=white, plakia=patch) is a white patch in the mouth that cannot be scraped off and
cannot be diagnosed specifically as something else. It appears white usually because of three main factors
alone or in combination: hyperkeratosis or excessive production of keratin (the white flakes that come off
when you scratch your skin), thickening of the surface layer of cells, or the presence of pre-cancer
(“dysplasia”) or cancer. Lichen planus, yeast infections (“thrush”) and chronic cheek and tongue chewing
injuries are some of the specific conditions that appear white in the mouth and are therefore not oral
leukoplakia. When all such known conditions have been ruled out, a patient is diagnosed with oral
Oral leukoplakia occurs in 1-2% of the population and is most common in patients over age 40. The more
common kind of oral leukoplakia is limited to one location in the mouth and is more common in men. It may
affect any part of the mouth, but is usually on the tongue, gums and inner cheeks. Research has shown that
oral leukoplakias on the underside of the tongue, floor of mouth and soft palate are more likely to become
precancerous/dysplastic. Some oral leukoplakias are not just white but may appear red, rough and warty or
bumpy. These too, have a higher chance of being precancerous/dysplastic.



Clinical Application:
CHEESE 810nm diode laser for dental therapy from GIGAALASER
Clinic Explanation:
Laser analgesia
Enamel etching: remove the tarter or to prevent the calcify of tooth
Related Keywords:
Laser hemostasis, laser analgesia, enamel etching, laser remove tarter.
Medical device:
CHEESE4w/ 7w 810nm 1-5w
Dental surgery handpiece, 400um fiber
a.       Connect dental surgery handpiece with device, and setting the parameters.
b.      Wearing a laser safety goggles, starting laser and irradiation on the target part.  
1.      Hemostasis: 1.5w-3w; pulse 20/20
            1w-1.5w CW
Non-contact, at a distance of 1-2cm with back and forth sweep till the tissues was grey or dark brown.
Non-contact, at a distance of 1-2cm with spiral sweep till the tissues was grey. Usually, 15-30 seconds is ok.
Use dental handpiece whisk and sweep the surface of enamel to make the etching effects with non-contact way.
810nm diode laser system brings about a striking effect in a very short time for dental therapy.
Do not contact the tissues directly with fiber, keep distance and control the time experienced 

Welcome to www.gigaalaser.com to get more info 


Clinical Application:
CHEESE 980nm diode laser for dental from GIGAALASER
Clinic Explanation:
Periodontal Pockets are dental terms indicating the presence of an abnormal gingival sulcus near the point at which the gums contact a tooth.

Related Keywords:
Gingical pockets, periodontal pockets
Medical device:
CHEESE7w 980nm; 2-4w; continuous wave
400um fiber, dental surgery handpiece
1.      Connect dental surgery handpiece with device, and setting the parameters.
2.      Wearing a laser safety goggles, starting laser and aiming the fiber toward the tissue.
3.      The light guide was introduced into the periodontal pocket and moved from apical to coronal, parallel along the root surface, in a sweeping way.

The diode laser reveals a bactericidal effect and helps to reduce inflammation in the periodontal pockets in addition to scaling.
The duration of lasing depended on the depth of the respective periodontal pocket. For example, 3-mm-deep pockets are irradiated for 3 seconds, 4-mm-deep pockets for 4 seconds

welcome to www.gigaalaser.com to get more info.