What To Expect After the Varicose Vein Treatment
You are likely to be able to return to your normal daily routine after simple laser treatment.
After endovenous laser treatment, you will wear compression stockings for 1 week or more. To follow up, your doctor will use duplex ultrasound to make sure that the vein is closed.
Why It Is Done
Simple laser treatment is done for small spider veins and tiny varicose veins. This is sometimes a second treatment step, after a larger varicose vein has been treated with surgery, endovenous laser or radiofrequency treatment, or sclerotherapy.
Endovenous laser treatment is used to close off a larger varicose vein, instead of using surgery to remove it.
How Well It Works
Simple laser treatment. Over the past twenty years, this type of laser treatment has become quite safe and effective.
Endovenous laser treatment. Endovenous laser treatment closes veins about 94 out of 100 times. It doesn't work about 6 out of 100 times.1
Laser treatment for varicose veins
A laser is a highly focused beam of light. A doctor can use a laser to treat varicose veins. Laser heat damages a vein, which makes scar tissue form. This scar tissue closes the vein. A closed vein loses its source of blood and dies. After a year or two, the vein is likely to disappear.
Simple laser treatment. Simple laser vein treatment can treat spider veins and tiny varicose veins just under the skin's surface. Some case just need one time treatment, but some cases more sessions are needed. They are scheduled every 6 to 12 weeks, as prescribed by your doctor. (If you have poor blood circulation feeding these tiny veins, the larger "feeder" vein must first be treated with surgery, endovenous laser or radiofrequencytreatment, or sclerotherapy.)
Endovenous laser treatment.
This newer technology is becoming more available for larger varicose veins in the legs. A laser fiber is passed through a thin tube (catheter) into the vein. While doing this, the doctor watches the vein on a duplex ultrasound screen. Laser is less painful than vein ligation and stripping surgery, and it has a shorter recovery time. Only local anesthesia or a light sedative is needed for laser treatment. (For vein surgery, general anesthesia is used to put you to sleep.)
Laser for Hemorrhoids
Skilled surgeons use laser light with pinpoint accuracy. The unwanted hemorrhoid is simply vaporized or excised. The infinitely small laser beam allows for unequaled precision and accuracy, and usually rapid, unimpaired healing.
The result is less discomfort, less medication, and faster healing. A hospital stay is generally not required. The laser is inherently therapeutic, sealing off nerves and tiny blood vessels with an invisible light. By sealing superficial nerve endings patients have a minimum of postoperative discomfort. With the closing of tiny blood vessels, your proctologist is able to operate in a controlled and bloodless environment.
Procedures can often be completed more quickly and with less difficulty for both patient and physician. Laser can be use alone or in combination with other modalities. For more detailed information on combining modalities in surgery, view our video on the performance of both a Laser & Harmonic Scalpel Hemorrhoidectomy. Get > Real Player
In a documented study of 750 patients undergoing laser treatment for hemorrhoids, 98% successful results were reported. The patient satisfaction was 99%.
Laser hemorrhoid treatment
The ability to use lasers to remove haemorrhoids is much welcomed by anyone who suffers from this condition. The old-fashioned way of removing haemorrhoids involved major surgery and internal and external cutting, the recovery from which was long and difficult for the patient.
With lasers, the surgeon has pinpoint accuracy and can excise and vaporise the haemorrhoid. This technique allows for unimpaired healing, which is far more rapid than recovery from a traditional hemorrhoidectomy, accuracy and precision, according to Hemorrhoid.net.
The patient endures far less discomfort and less medication and usually doesn't have to stay overnight in the hospital.
When using a laser for this purpose, it seals off tiny blood vessels and nerves. When the nerve endings are sealed off, this results in minimal post-surgical pain for the patient. By closing blood vessels, the surgeon is capable of operating in an environment that is bloodless and more controlled.
The Mayo Clinic advises that using a laser, infrared light or heat results in coagulation of the blood. The internal haemorrhoids then bleed, following by hardening and shrivelling. This is an effective treatment; however, it is possible that your haemorrhoids may return when this technique is used.
Minimally Invasive
The Cleveland Clinic describes the use of a laser for haemorrhoid removal as minimally invasive, noting that the laser beam is used to burn away the haemorrhoid tissue.
The Haemorrhoidectomy operation
The doctor who is performing the procedure will explain what they are going to do, and will ask for your written consent to perform the procedure. This procedure is performed on grade 3-4 haemorrhoids
- If you understand both what procedure you are going to have performed and have been told of the risks involved with the procedure then you sign the consent form
- You will be asked to remove your clothes and put on a gown
- Prior to going to theatre you will have discussed which anaesthetic is suitable for you with the anaesthetist.
- You will be escorted to the theatre where you will then have either a general or spinal anaesthetic
- You will be positioned either on the operating table with stirrups for your feet called the lithotomy position. Or on your front with your bottom raised it will depend on the location of the haemorrhoids. ( it will seem all a bit undignified but you will have either a sheet or blanket covering you until the procedure begins
- You will have sterile drapes put over you to maintain a sterile field for the surgeon
- An antiseptic/bacterial solution will be painted around the perineal area to eliminate germs from the skin surface
- An instrument called a proctoscope will be gently placed in your anus so the doctor will be able to have a good view the haemorrhoid. This will have a light attached so the surgeon may see easily.
- Local anaesthetic and a blood vessel constrictor will be injected around the haemorrhoids to be treated this will give pain relief to the area as well as reducing the blood flow.
- The surgeon will then excise (cut away) from the base of the haemorrhoid carefully sealing bleeding vessels with cautery (burn) from the diathermy.
- Sutures(stitches) are used to tie off larger blood vessels and the haemorrhoid is removed.
- once the operation is completed non adhesive dressing will be placed around the anus, with dressing gauze and a large sanitary pad this will be taped in position
- You will be placed on your side after the procedure to cause your buttocks to press together helping with the pressure which reduces bleeding.
- When you are in recovery the wound site will be inspected frequently to check on bleeding a small amount is expected but larger quantities may require a surgical assessment.
- 24 hours after the operation the dressings will be removed and you will be encouraged to take a bath.
- Normal bowel habits should be resumed as soon as possible, and you will be encouraged to eat finer rich foods and drink plenty of fluids. The first bowel movement is often dreaded due to pain however it is important that you open your bowels regularly to prevent constipation.
The haemorrhoids laser treatment special precautions
- Ensure you have adequate pain relief available to you.
- Make sure you have someone available to help you should you need it for at least the next twelve hours
- Make sure you are able to urinate easily after the procedure(go for a wee)
- Do not use aspirin for pain relief post procedure as it may encourage bleeding
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Try and do some gentle exercise
- Eat plenty of fibre rich foods so you do not become constipated
- Do not do any heavy lifting for at least four weeks
The haemorrhoids laser treatment procedure
- The doctor who is performing the procedure will talk to you explain what they are going to do, and will ask for your written permission to perform the procedure.
- This procedure is performed on grade 2-4 haemorrhoids
- If you are happy that you understand both what procedure you are going to have done and have been told of the risks involved with the procedure then you can sign the relevant document.
- The doctor will have discussed with you prior to the day which form of anaesthetic you will be having this will be either local, Spinal, or a General Anaesthetic. Usually this will be performed with a local anaesthetic
- You will be asked to take your clothes off, put on a gown on and placed in the correct position for the procedure
- You will be positioned either on a couch with stirrups for your feet to go in or on your side on a couch with your knees drawn up to your chest it will depend on the location of the haemorrhoid. ( it will seem all a bit undignified but you will have either a sheet or blanket covering you until the procedure begins
- You will be screened off from the surgeon for your privacy and asked to put on special goggles to protect your eyes, the room will be dark and windows covered
- The procedure will take approximately 15 – 30 minutes
- The haemorrhoids treated with the laser will be operating in a bloodless field due to the laser, therefore post operatively you should experience either very little or no bleeding
Hemorrhoid Surgery
Hemorrhoidectomy: During hemorrhoidectomy, the doctor makes incisions around the anus to cut away the hemorrhoids.
Minimally invasive options for reducing the size of or removing hemorrhoids:
Laser: A special, precise laser beam is used to burn away hemorrhoidal tissue.
Rubber band ligation: A rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid to cut off the blood supply and kill the tissue. This is done in an area that has less pain receptors, so it less painful .
Sclerotherapy: A chemical solution is injected around the blood vessel that supplies the hemorrhoid to shrink and destroy it.
Minimally invasive options for reducing the size of or removing hemorrhoids:
Laser: A special, precise laser beam is used to burn away hemorrhoidal tissue.
Rubber band ligation: A rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid to cut off the blood supply and kill the tissue. This is done in an area that has less pain receptors, so it less painful .
Sclerotherapy: A chemical solution is injected around the blood vessel that supplies the hemorrhoid to shrink and destroy it.
Surgery for Hemorrhoids
Most hemorrhoids easily treated with over-the-counter medications or home remedies. Mild hemorrhoids often go away without treatment. Sometimes, though, the hemorrhoids are so severe that surgical intervention may be required to treat them. Here is what you need to know about hemorrhoid surgery to help you decide if you want to undergo this procedure.
Hemorrhoids Removal Surgery
There are a few of different types of procedures a doctor may recommend depending on the severity of the hemorrhoids:
Hemorrhoidectomy: This is an outpatient procedure. After applying a local anesthesia, the doctor makes small incisions around the anus to extract the external hemorrhoids. Typically you can go home the same day and you will experience immediate relief of pain, itching, swelling and other symptoms related to the hemorrhoids. The downside of this procedure is that the cuts may require stitches and you may still experience discomfort as the incisions heal post-surgery.
PPH (Procedure for Prolapse and Hemorrhoids): Internal hemorrhoids don’t usually cause problems unless they prolapse. This is when the hemorrhoid protrudes through the anus which can be immensely painful. During this procedure, the doctor repositions the hemorrhoids and uses a staple to keep it in place and cut off the blood supply. Without a source of blood, the hemorrhoids typically shrivel up and go away. This procedure causes less complications and recovery time is faster.
Laser Therapy: During this surgery, a laser is used to burn the hemorrhoids away. The process is not painful and bleeding is minimized. Most people can go home the same day after a laser hemorrhoidectomy. The main disadvantage to this type of treatment is the cost. It requires specialized equipment (medical diode laser system).
Sclerotherapy: Medicine is injected directly into the hemorrhoids that shrink and destroy them. While effective for many patients, this therapy can cause side effects including allergic reaction, changes in vision, skin necrosis, and hyperpigmentation. The medication may also cause problems in pregnancy, so women who are expecting should take special precautions.
Ligation: This treatment consists of tying rubber bands around the base of the hemorrhoid to cut off the supply of blood. The doctor tries to reduce pain by performing this procedure on areas that have little to no pain receptors
Hemorrhoids Removal Surgery
There are a few of different types of procedures a doctor may recommend depending on the severity of the hemorrhoids:
Hemorrhoidectomy: This is an outpatient procedure. After applying a local anesthesia, the doctor makes small incisions around the anus to extract the external hemorrhoids. Typically you can go home the same day and you will experience immediate relief of pain, itching, swelling and other symptoms related to the hemorrhoids. The downside of this procedure is that the cuts may require stitches and you may still experience discomfort as the incisions heal post-surgery.
PPH (Procedure for Prolapse and Hemorrhoids): Internal hemorrhoids don’t usually cause problems unless they prolapse. This is when the hemorrhoid protrudes through the anus which can be immensely painful. During this procedure, the doctor repositions the hemorrhoids and uses a staple to keep it in place and cut off the blood supply. Without a source of blood, the hemorrhoids typically shrivel up and go away. This procedure causes less complications and recovery time is faster.
Laser Therapy: During this surgery, a laser is used to burn the hemorrhoids away. The process is not painful and bleeding is minimized. Most people can go home the same day after a laser hemorrhoidectomy. The main disadvantage to this type of treatment is the cost. It requires specialized equipment (medical diode laser system).
Sclerotherapy: Medicine is injected directly into the hemorrhoids that shrink and destroy them. While effective for many patients, this therapy can cause side effects including allergic reaction, changes in vision, skin necrosis, and hyperpigmentation. The medication may also cause problems in pregnancy, so women who are expecting should take special precautions.
Ligation: This treatment consists of tying rubber bands around the base of the hemorrhoid to cut off the supply of blood. The doctor tries to reduce pain by performing this procedure on areas that have little to no pain receptors
Arab Health 2014 in Dubai
The 39th Arab Health will be held in Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Center, we are looking forward to meet you during Arab Health 2014, please visit our booth at 7F17.
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25th edition of SALMED 2014, will be held in Poznan, Poland.
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25th edition of SALMED 2014, will be held in Poznan, Poland.
We are looking forward to meet you during SALMED 2014, please visit our booth at Hall 8-NR.67
A new method for hemorrhoid surgery: intrahemorrhoidal diode laser, does it work?
This study aimed to describe the clinical results of intrahemorrhoidal application of a diode laser.
Hemorrhoids are a common source of pain, and no surgical technique achieves a painless outcome. Endovascular laser therapy for varicose veins as described in an experimental study is a method that could be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, but there are few clinical trials described in the literature.
Fifteen patients with second and third degree hemorrhoids underwent intrahemorrhoidal laser therapy. After the piles were identified, a fiber was introduced into each and it was irradiated with laser energy (810 nm, 5 W, frequency of 5 Hz, energy density of 19 J/cm(2), total energy of 4-10 J).
The piles were immediately partially reduced, and clinical examination 7, 14, 21, and 28 d after surgery showed complete healing in nine patients (60.4%) and partial resolution in five patients (33%). In one patient (6.6%) the treatment failed. Mean pain intensity throughout the study period, measured by a visual analog scale (0-10), was 0.84 +/- 1.13 (mean +/- SD). Major complications were burn lesions (n = 4) and residual plicoma (skin tag) (n = 5). Ten control patients underwent an open "cold scalpel" hemorrhoidectomy. Their pain intensity was 1.78 +/- 0.68 (mean +/- SD). There was a significant statistical difference (p = 0.018) between groups.
The diode laser energy delivered into small to median hemorrhoidal piles caused little pain and led to a partial to complete resolution within a short time compared to open hemorrhoidectomy. Some adjustments must be made to prevent burning lesions and residual plicoma. Although it is not a good method for big piles, this technique opens new possibilities for surgical treatment of hemorrhoidal disease.
Histologic Evaluation of Laser Lipolysis Pulsed 1064-nmNd YAG Laser vs CW980nm Diode Laser
Keywords:Laser Lipolysis Pulsed 1064-nmNd YAG Laser,CW980nm Diode Laser
Background: The use of the laser as an auxiliary tool has refined the. traditional technique for lipoplasty. During laser lipolysis, the interaction between the lasers and the fat produced direct cellular destruction before the suction, reduced bleeding, and promoted skin tightening
Objective: This study sought to perform a comparative bistologic evaluation of laser lipolysis with the pulsed 1064-nm NA:YAC laser versus a continuour 980-nm diode laser.
Methods: A pulsed 1064-nm Nd:YAG and a CW 980-nm diode laser were evaluated at different energy settings for lipolysis on the thights of a fresh acdaver.The laser were coupled to 600-um optical fiber inserted in‘1-mm diameter cnnula. Biopsy specimens were taken on irradiated and non-irradiated areas.Hematoxylin-erythrosin-safran staining and immunostaining (anti-PS100 polyclonal antibody) were performed to identify fat tissue damage.
Results: In the absence of laser exposures (control specimens), cavitirs created by cannulation were seen; adipocytes were round in appearance and not deflated.At low energy settings, tumescent adipocytes were observed. At higher energy settings,cytoplasmic retraction,disruption of mermbranes, and heat-coagulated collagen fibers were noted; coagulated blood cells were also present. For the highest energy settings, carbonization of fat tissue involving fibers and membranes was clearly seen. for equivalent energy settings, 1064-nm and 980-nm wavelengths gave smiler histologic results.
Background: The use of the laser as an auxiliary tool has refined the. traditional technique for lipoplasty. During laser lipolysis, the interaction between the lasers and the fat produced direct cellular destruction before the suction, reduced bleeding, and promoted skin tightening
Objective: This study sought to perform a comparative bistologic evaluation of laser lipolysis with the pulsed 1064-nm NA:YAC laser versus a continuour 980-nm diode laser.
Methods: A pulsed 1064-nm Nd:YAG and a CW 980-nm diode laser were evaluated at different energy settings for lipolysis on the thights of a fresh acdaver.The laser were coupled to 600-um optical fiber inserted in‘1-mm diameter cnnula. Biopsy specimens were taken on irradiated and non-irradiated areas.Hematoxylin-erythrosin-safran staining and immunostaining (anti-PS100 polyclonal antibody) were performed to identify fat tissue damage.
Results: In the absence of laser exposures (control specimens), cavitirs created by cannulation were seen; adipocytes were round in appearance and not deflated.At low energy settings, tumescent adipocytes were observed. At higher energy settings,cytoplasmic retraction,disruption of mermbranes, and heat-coagulated collagen fibers were noted; coagulated blood cells were also present. For the highest energy settings, carbonization of fat tissue involving fibers and membranes was clearly seen. for equivalent energy settings, 1064-nm and 980-nm wavelengths gave smiler histologic results.
Condusiora: Laser lipolysis is relatively new technique that is still under development. Our histologic findings suggest several positive benefits of the Iaser, including skin retraction and n reduction in intraoperative bleeding. The interaction of the laser with the tissue is similar at 980 nm and 1064 nm with the some energy settings. Because higher volumes of fat are removed with higher total energy,a high-power 980-nm diode laser could offer an interesting alternative to the 1064-nm Nd:YAG laser.
Velas Laser System For Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression (PLDD)
The principle of the laser in the treatment of PLDD
Percutaneous laser disc decompression is the use of laser thermal effect and prominent vertebral Vaporization of disc nucleus and form part of the space, reducing the pressure inside the disc, from the Reduce or eliminates the oppression of the nerve, which achieve the purpose of treatment. The therapeutic method of the laser treatment for PLDD .

The therapeutic method of the laser treatment for PLDD
- Local anesthesia, X-ray machine needle puncture guided positioning
- From the core needle, into optical fiber, optical fiber needle tip beyond the top 3mm of the appropriate
- Fixed optical fiber on the Y-valve, lasing, vaporization nucleoplasty
- Fiber and needle withdrawal, elastic waist-bandage
- It can be use for several treatments for PLDD
The advantages of laser treatment of PLDD
- Local anesthesia, minimally invasive surgery, non-bleeding, Mini-invasive
- Operation time is short, safe, effective
- Rapid recovery, fewer complications
- It can be use for several treatments for PLDD at same time
The composition of VELAS laser system for PLDD
- VELAS medical diode laser therapeutic apparatus
- Laser protective goggle
- Optical fiber 400um/600um for medical use
- 18G needle
- Y-valve
- Elastic waist
The hemorrhoid laser procedure technique vs rubber band ligation
A randomized trial comparing 2 mini-invasive treatments for second- and third-degree hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoid laser procedure is a new laser procedure for outpatient treatment of hemorrhoids in which hemorrhoidal arterial flow feeding the hemorrhoidal plexus is stopped by means of Doppler-guided laser coagulation.
Our aim was to compare the hemorrhoid laser procedure with rubber band ligation for outpatient treatment of symptomatic hemorrhoids with moderate mucosal prolapse.
This was a randomized controlled trial with balanced allocation to hemorrhoid laser procedure or rubber band ligation, with stratification by study center.
This study was conducted at 2 teaching hospitals in Italy.
Patients with symptomatic grade II or grade III hemorrhoids with minimal mucosal prolapse were eligible for the study.
In the hemorrhoid laser procedure operation, a Doppler probe was inserted into the anal canal through a dedicated disposable proctoscope to identify the terminal branches of superior hemorrhoidal arteries approximately 3 cm above the dentate line. Five pulsed laser shots were delivered to each identified artery through the proctoscope to close the terminal branches. The procedure was repeated for each artery through clockwise rotation of the proctoscope. Absence of a Doppler signal after treatment confirmed arterial coagulation. Rubber band ligation was performed by positioning rubber bands at the base of left lateral, right anterior, and right posterior piles. No anesthesia was given for either technique.
Operative time, complications, postoperative pain (visual analog scale), postoperative downgrading of hemorrhoids, resolution of symptoms, and quality of life were evaluated.
A total of 60 patients (35 women, 25 men; mean age, 46 years) entered the trial and were analyzed. No significant differences between rubber band ligation and hemorrhoid laser procedure were observed in operative time or intraoperative morbidity. The median postoperative pain score was 2.9 (range, 1-5) with rubber band ligation vs 1.1 (range, 0-2) for hemorrhoid laser procedure (P < .001). At 6 months, resolution of symptoms was observed in 16 patients (53%) with ligation vs 27 (90%) with hemorrhoid laser procedure (P < .001), and reduction of hemorrhoids by at least 1 grade was observed in 12 patients (40%) with ligation vs 24 (80%) with hemorrhoid laser procedure (P < .001). Significantly higher quality of life was seen in the hemorrhoid laser procedure group (P = .002).
Follow-up was not longer than 1 year (median, 6 mo).
Despite higher cost, the hemorrhoid laser procedure technique was more effective than rubber band ligation in reducing postoperative pain, resolving symptoms, and improving quality of life in patients with grade II or III hemorrhoids with incomplete mucosal prolapse.
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