
Laser Liposuction Technique Melts Fat and Tightens Skin

How Does It Work?

Laser lipolysis is a minimally invasive procedure that uses heat from fiber-optic lasers at various wavelengths to melt body fat. This is a different process than liposuction, which involves removing fat from the body using vacuum suction. The added benefit of laser lipolysis is that it spurs the production of the protein collagen, making skin more taut.
Clinical results were drawn from the laser lipolysis and liposuction procedures of more than 2,000 patients over a three-year span. Researchers found that patients overall lost significant fat bulk in different parts of the body and saw an increase in skin tightness. Patients didn’t suffer from any major complications, though some complained of minor pain and bruising.

Lipolysis or Liposuction?

Laser lipolysis can be effective on its own for fat removal. However, integrating laser lipolysis with traditional liposuction generally produces the best results for tightening and shrinking skin.

“Many people don’t try [liposuction] because they have heard that the skin often sags after the fat is removed,” said Dr. Abbas Chamsuddin, lead author of the study and an interventional radiologist at the Center for Laser and Interventional Surgery in Atlanta, GA, in a press release. “This is especially true for individuals who want to lose abdominal fat, but also need the skin to retract.”
According to Chamsuddin, it takes two to really target droopy stomachs, backsides, and other notoriously pesky problem areas.
“Combining traditional liposuction with laser lipolysis has now been shown to produce well-sculpted bodies with tight skin,” he said. “We are able to give people things such as a tighter abdomen without the need for surgery.”

Health and Safety Considerations

Many studies have found laser lipolysis to be a safe and effective treatment for targeting small areas of body fat, and because the procedure is done on an outpatient basis, the recovery is generally quick. Arm yourself with the facts, and talk to your doctor to find out whether you would be a good candidatefor liposuction, laser lipolysis, or both.

"Liposuction (both traditional liposuction and laser-assisted liposuction) is generally considered to be a very safe procedure in qualified and experienced hands,” said Dr. Larry Fan, M.D., founder of 77 Plastic Surgery in San Francisco, in an interview with Healthline.
“All procedures, however, have some risks. All surgical procedures have the risk of infection, bleeding, scarring, nerve injury, adverse reaction to anesthesia, and blood clots. Liposuction has additional risks, including contour irregularity, asymmetry, seroma (a pocket of fluid under the skin), skin discoloration, and burn,” he added.

Remember, though liposuction patients are not usually looking to shed major pounds, surgery is no substitute for a balanced diet and regular exercise. Cosmetic surgery can only improve one's appearance so much, and is not always synonymous with a healthier body.



Rejuvenation with Liposuction

Aging often brings with it changes that do not reflect how we see ourselves. Skin can begin to sag. Facial volume is in places that we don't want it, and not where we do. The neck, jawline and jowls which looked youthful and vibrant now look full and irregular. No one has a crystal ball, but we can look at our parents and grandparents and see the future before us. Laser liposuction using special ultrasonic probes designed for the delicate structures of the face can be used to restore contour, shape and tone to the face. Hidden access points and minimal recovery can results in maximal improvements with this specialized technique. Laser liposuction can be used alone or in conjunction with other procedures such as fat grafting, face and neck lifting, eyelid surgery, or laser resurfacing to create a harmonious and optimal rejuvenation.



Why Go For Laser Hemorrhoid Surgery?

  • The process is not too painful for the sufferer
  • Almost in all the cases hospitalization is not required for laser hemorrhoid surgery; the patient can be discharged the same day.
  • The process does not involve any steam or smoke so there is no sparking, making it safer too.
  • Using laser ensures that the bleeding during surgery is minimal. in fact the blood vessels are sealed by the laser.
  • The tissues around the hemorrhoid are also not damaged. This ensures that there is no tissue death, which when happens can lead to further complications. Thus laser hemorrhoid surgery can actually avoid other medical complications.
  • Using a wide beam laser, a large swathe tissue can be killed, and a narrow band can be used for cutting. Thus the options are many.
  • Laser hemorrhoid surgery eases the work of the doctor who is operating.
  • Laser hemorrhoid surgery also usually leads to the wound healing faster




Laser Liposuction

What is Liposuction?
Liposuction is the removal of excess fat bulges from areas of the body using suction tubes that are inserted into the body through small incisions. A vacuum pump is then attached to the hoses to remove the fatty cells.

How Laser Liposuction Works?
Laser liposuction works by focusing a laser’s low-energy waves onto the part of the body where the work is required. The waves penetrate the skin and weaken the membrane of the cells that hold the fat. The fat contained in these cells literally oozes out of the cells’ perimeter.
Then a small incision in made and a tinny surgical instrument known as a cannula is inserted, which sucks the fat out of the area as in the conventional liposuction but without a major incision.
The low-level energy laser is then reset for optimal pain management relief. For the final procedure of laser liposuction the laser is then reset again for anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling. This dramatically reduces the postoperative discomfort. The following day the patient usually returns for a second follow up session of pain management.

Which areas can laser assisted liposuction be used?
The areas that laser liposuction are most commonly used on women are the abdomen, hips, thighs and knees. On men it is common on the abdomen, love handles, enlarged breast, arms, and neck. Laser liposuction can also be used to remove the sweat glands from armpit area to reduce sweating without any danger of interfering with the body process of cooling itself.

The Advantage Of Laser Liposuction Over Regular Liposuction
The advantages of laser assisted liposuction become clear when compared to the conventional tumescent and ultrasonic-assisted. These two methods usually require a large period of recovery time compared to the short recovery time associated with laser assisted liposuction. When compared to conventional methods of liposuction laser assisted liposuction has greatly reduced swelling and bruising.

Another advantage of laser-assisted liposuction is that most patients do not require any type of postoperative prescribed pain medication. Also, the time taken for safe laser liposuction is no longer than conventional liposuction and it is usually done under local anesthesia and sedative are the only medication that the patient will require for the duration of the procedure.

If the patient wishes, the fat that is taken from the designated areas can be used to fill in other areas of the patient’s body that are lacking fat. The most common of these areas are the lips. Most of the patients that have laser liposuction can usually return to normal activities in just a few days.


Fat preserving by 1210nm laser


The 1210-nm wavelength has absorption-affinity for Lipid-Rich Tissue and has demonstrated to stimulate adipocytes and mesenchymal cells of the subcutaneous tissue, with a new concept: Selective Photothermostimulation (SPS). The application in Liposuction of this wavelength is determined by its preservation of the integrity of adipocytes, making possible the use of these materials for fat grafting in Liposculpture, Breast Reconstruction or as filler in Face Rejuvenation, proven that this technique is less traumatic.


102 patients diagnosed with lipodystrophy either associated to skin flaccidity or not were applied the 1210-nm diode laser between June 2010 and August 2011. The protocol was followed and verified through ultrasound imaging. Intraoperative and subcutaneous cellular tissue temperatures were measured. Samples of the aspirated tissue were sent for histological analysis to prove alteration/preservation of adipocytes and connective tissues, including mitochondrial activity.


Histological analyses revealed 98% preservation of aspirated adipocytes. The 1210-nm diode laser shows affinity for adipose tissue. In addition, the technique poses a reduced trauma level on tissues, allowing for the performance of associated procedures for the body or face. No major complications were observed; and only minor complications, mainly ecchymosis on 2% of the total body surface area, have been recorded. The recovery period is 24 hours. The Liposuction Diode Laser (LSDL) 1210-nm is ideal for Liposculpture.



VELAS Gynecology Diode Laser

Lasers for Gynecology
Professional Manufacturer of Medical Diode Laser Systems
Every woman, throughout her life, will have many questions about how to best manage her health.  Each stage in a woman’s life brings with it specific issues, including decisions about routine care, birth control, fertility, pregnancy and menopause. Women need to feel as if they have a trusted advocate and partner to help them navigate the often confusing messages that abound about women’s health.
Colposcopy Applications
  • HPV lesions
  • Cysts of the mucosa
  • ŸCervical intraepithelial neoplasia
  • ŸFornix and cupola pathologies
  • ŸEctopic lesions
  • ŸBenign erythroplakia
Laparoscopic Laser Treatments
  • Adhesions
  • Endometriosis
  • Fallopian tube microsurgery
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
  • Resection of uterine septum
  • Ablation of the uterosacral ligaments
  • Ovarian drilling (PCOS)
  • Hysterectomy
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Gbox10F/Gbox15B Nail Fungus Therapy Laser

Lasers for Podiatry
Diode Lasers is an Important Part of Podiatric Practices 
Lasers for Podiatry is always to reduce treatment pain, avoid or minimize hospital confinement, and enable patients flexibility comfortably as soon as possible. GIGAA LASER develops lasers offering ease of use and best possible value for the podiatric community. Our lasers are so versatile you will keep finding new uses for them. The infrared980nm/1064nm wavelength is important to ensure deep tissue penetration.
Biological effects of the laser are:
  • Reduced Fibrous (Scar) Tissue Formation
  • Anti-Inflammation Anti-Pain (Analgesia)
  • ŸImproved Vascular Activity
  • ŸIncreased Metabolic Activity
  • Ÿ Improved Nerve Function
  • ŸImmunoregulation
  • ŸTrigger Point Resolution and Acupuncture Pt. Stimulation
Main applications
Podiatry Laser Surgery has been successfully used in the fields of ophthalmology, dermatology, and gynecology, and now is being used in the treatment of various foot problems which require removal of diseased or damaged tissues. In many cases the scalpel is now being discarded in favor of a ray of the laser beam. A laser beam of light is pinpointed on the troubled areas and in seconds (in some cases microseconds) the tissue is eliminated. The laser vaporizes the faulty cells and at the same time sterilizes the adjacent tissue. Scarring is minimal because the laser’s precise control limits the damage to surrounding tissues.
Incision, excision, vaporization of soft tissues including:
Matrixectomy Warts including periungual, subungual, and plantar warts
Radical nail excision
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Laser light - a new, non invasive treatment for Erectile Dysfunction: a placebo-controlled, single blinded pilot study

Background: In vitro and animal studies have shown that the application of laser light may induce vasorelaxation, which is the event that produces penile erection. The hypothesis was that application of laser light to the vascular bed of the penis might restore erectile function.

Purpose: To prove this hypothesis, a specifically designed device, emitting laser light, was externally applied to the penis of patients with erectile dysfunction (ED). This study has been conducted to prove the efficacy and safety of laser therapy for the treatment of ED.

Material and Methods: 44 volunteers were randomly assigned to treatment with placebo or 808 nm GaAlAs laser light. 39 patients completed all treatments and follow up visit: 18 patients in the treatment group (A) and 21 in the placebo group (B). The treatments were delivered for 19 minutes, twice a week, total of 6 treatment sessions. The laser unit has 2 rows of 5 treatment points each and the unit is applied on the dorsal aspect of the penis, every row corresponds to the corpus cavernosum of the penis. Treatment is given for 20 minutes, twice a week, 6-8 times. Power of each diode is 150 mW. Questions 3 and 4, as well as the Erectile Function Domain from the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) assessed the improvement in ED.

Results: The baseline median values for questions 3 and 4 were identical in both groups - 2.0. In group B the median remained 2.0 after the treatment for question 3 and 4 while in group A it increased by 1.5 to 3.5 (for question 3 - p=0.0536; for question 4 - p=0.03). Median Erectile Function domain score (question 1-5 and 15) was 14 in group B and decreased to 12. In group A baseline score was 13 and it increased to 20.5 after treatment (p=0.02). Many patients in the treatment group reported occurrence of morning erections. Improvements were usually reported after the 4th or 5th treatment sessions. There were no adverse effects as a result of the treatment.

Discussion and Conclusion: The treatment performed by the laser parameters used in this study has showed improvement in ED. The improvement duration in avarage was of 6 month. Further studies are needed for optimiziation of treating parameters: wavelength, dose and sessions.


Laser lipolysis

Laser lipolysis a minimally invasive form of aesthetic surgery designed to remove excess body fat. It involves the use of a laser to rapidly dissolve excess fat in target areas such as the thighs, abdomen, arms, neck and parts of the face etc.
Safe, Effective, and Minimally Invasive



Liposuction , well known as lipoplasty, liposculpture, and suction assisted lipectomy, is a highly effective surgical procedure aimed at treating unpleasant distributions of superficial and deep deposits of fat in order to improve body contour. With its growing popularity, liposuction rapidly
became one of the most frequently performed procedures in cosmetic surgery, paralleled with tremendous advances in liposuction surgical techniques and corresponding available machinery. These advances have shifted the nature of liposuction, taking it from the realm of a minor
surgical procedure to that of major surgery.

And more...



Laserlipólise com diodo 980 nm: experiência com 400 casos

Laser lipolysis with a 980-nm diode laser: experience with 400 cases

Introduction: Liposuction has undergone several improvements since its first description, including changes in the cannulas, variation in the concentration of the infiltrating solution, and the use of different devices and technologies. The use of laser technology devices for lipolysis and stimulation of skin retraction has contributed to the procedure.
This article presents the authors’ experience with laser lipolysis in 400 patients, within a 5-year period, and discusses the principles of the technology and its effect on tissues.

This is a study performed between July 2007 and July 2012 and included 400 patients who underwent laser lipolysis. All procedures were performed following the original protocol – infiltration of cold saline, passage of the cannula with an optic fiber for conducting the energy needed for laser lipolysis, skin retraction, and finally, conventional liposuction. 

Results: Hospitalization type ranged from outpatient to overnight surgery.
Approximately 45% (180 of 400) of patients had minimal bruising, with involvement of 2% or more of the affected body surface. Hematoma, seroma, and dehiscence occurred in a total of 9% (36 of 400) of patients. We did not find any case of thermal burn of the skin. 

Conclusions: Laser lipolysis performed according to the described technique was safe and reproducible.

Keywords: Lasers. Lipolysis. Subcutaneous fat. Connective tissues.

Introdução: A técnica de lipoaspiração recebeu várias contribuições desde sua primeira descrição, como modificações nas cânulas, variação na concentração da solução de infiltração e uso de aparelhos com tecnologias variadas. A utilização de aparelhos com tecnologia laser vem contribuir com o procedimento por meio da lipólise e com o estímulo de retração cutânea. Neste artigo é apresentada a experiência dos autores com a laserlipólise em 400 pacientes, no intervalo de 5 anos, sendo discutidos aspectos dos princípios da tecnologia e sua ação sobre os tecidos. Método: Estudo realizado entre julho de 2007 e julho de 2012, que incluiu 400 pacientes submetidos a procedimento de laserlipólise. Os procedimentos foram realizados seguindo protocolo original, com infiltração de soro gelado, passagem da cânula com fibra óptica para a condução da energia laser visando à laserlipólise, retração cutânea e, por último, lipoaspiração convencional. Resultados: O período de internação variou de cirurgia em regime ambulatorial a pernoite. Cerca de 45% (180/400 pacientes) dos pacientes evoluíram com equimoses mínimas, com acometimento de 2% ou mais da superfície corporal comprometida. Os casos de hematoma, seroma e deiscência totalizaram 9% (36/400 pacientes). Em nenhum caso foi constatada queimadura por lesão térmica na pele. Conclusões: O procedimento de laserlipólise realizado com a técnica descrita demonstrou segurança e reprodutibilidade.
Descritores: Lasers. Lipólise. Gordura subcutânea. Tecido conjuntivo.

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Laser lipolysis versus traditional liposuction for fat removal

Keywords:adipocyte • complication • fat • laser lipolysis • liposuction • localized adiposis • thermal
Liposuction is second only to breast augmentation as the most commonly performed cosmetic procedure in the USA. Liposuction removes fat through very small skin incisions, with atraumatic, blunt-tipped cannulas. Simplicity, quality of results and relatively rare complications are but a few benefits that explain its success. Its main limitation is the minimal skin retraction achieved after the procedure. Laser lipolysis is based on a thermal effect. The laser can vaporize, melt tissues and coagulate blood vessels. More importantly, the laser stimulates the formation of collagen in the region, enhancing skin elasticity and promoting skin contraction in the treated areas. This review aims to describe traditional liposuction and laser lipolysis, and discusses the difference between the two techniques.

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Hera laser hair removal

The gold standard for permanent hair removal and proven result
High peak power diode laser with 10Hz frequency
Safe and effective treatment for all skin types
More comfortable treatment with high efficiency cooling

How the Hera laser hair removal Works?

The Hera utilizes the unique 810nm diode laser with long pulse width and the right wavelength to penetrate into hair follicle. According to the theory of selective laser absorption, laser can be preferentially absorbed by the melanin of the hair. And then the hair shaft and hair follicle are heated rapidly in order to destroy the oxygen-supply organization of and around the hair follicle. The system's unique super-cooling technology could bring about pain-free effect to the epidermis with pain-free treatment.

Perfect skin cooling

To improve the cooling effect, the cooling head of the Hera applies high power semiconductor cooling technology (Thermo Electric Cooler), which makes it quickly reach and keep constant 4℃ even with high-energy fluency treatment.

Effective hair-removing practice

Pain-free is not the only advantage. The core component of the Hera is a high power diode laser stack made in Germany, which allows larger spot sizes. Moreover, the laser power is monitored constantly through the contact-handpiece, thus ensuring an effective and reliable treatment. The Hera also has the fastest coverage rate, with a huge 12×12mm spot and up to 10Hz repetition rate.

Pain-free experience

The Hera works by heating the hair follicle gradually to a temperature that damages the hair follicle and prevents re-growth, yet does not injure the surrounding skin. 

Three different Hera models to choose from

Three different power level systems are available now. Hera 300S is a cost-effective system, while Hera 600S is designed for high energy and high efficiency treatment. All the three models have SHR and LHR functions.


  • Suits for all kinds of hairs especially for the hairs that are hard to remove with IPL or other methods
  • Suits for all skin types,including tanned skin, the broadest range of hair colors, diameters and depths
  • Big spot size with safe and effective treatment
  • Germany imported laser ensuring long lifetime, stable performance, contact cooling and painless experience
  • Widely regarded as the "Gold Standard" for permanent hair removal


Laser for lipolysis

Laser lipolysis is recognized as an effective, non-surgical solution for fat removal and body reshaping. Its appeal lay in the procedure’s ability to treat localized fat deposits and correct body asymmetries with apparent decreased risk compared to traditional liposuction. The energy emitted by the laser uses volumetric heating to destroy fat cells, contract skin and stimulate collagenesis. After long time clinical comparision, it has been found that the 980 nm diode laser is consistently successful in inducing the required fat-heat and skin-heat interactions necessary for optimal results in 2012. 

Now, the 1210nm wavelength has absorption-affinity for Lipid-Rich Tissue and has demonstrated to stimulate adipocytes and mesenchymal cells of the subcutaneous tissue, with a new concept: Selective Photothermostimulation (SPS). The application in Liposuction of this wavelength is determined by its preservation of the integrity of adipocytes, making possible the use of these materials for fat grafting in Liposculpture, Breast Reconstruction or as filler in Face Rejuvenation, proven that this technique is less traumatic.
Although laser lipolysis is not intended to replace traditional liposuction, it offers patients a procedure that yields similar benefits with fewer complications and faster recovery.



Urology Diode Laser System 980nm&1470nm

HPLASⅡ for benign prostatic hyperplasia

GIGAALASER, after developing the HPLAS 980nm, combines the two parallel working wavelengths of 980nm and 1470nm to introduce a totally newproduct HPLASⅡfor urology. 
HPLASⅡ operates dual wavelengths of 980nm and 1470nm running in parallel with the maximum output of 200W, So that it has the advantage that an optimal absorption is achieved in water and hemoglobin, which in turn means a high rate of ablation in combination with a good hemostatic (blood-staunching) effect.

The Dual laser could enable the ejaculation in internal structures of the prostate spared, so it is the very first time for laser method to prevent the so-called retrograde ejaculation, particularly for middle-aged men between 40 and 50 years old who may still have the wish to have children even if they are suffering from BPH.

The excellent hemostatic profile has a positive impact on the healing process: there is virtually no loss of blood during and after procedure, and the internal tissue is spared. The patient experiences relief following the treatment and no longer feels the constant and uncomfortable urge to urinate. 


  • Dual parallel working wavelengths of 980nm and 1470nm,
  • The new BPH probe with bare fibers contacts the tissue where it is needed,
  • hence it could achieve an extremely high degree of ablation,
  • Side-fire fiber is also optional,
  • 12 inch color touch screen and user-friendly interface .
and more...



VELAS Diode Laser

The VELAS series from GIGAA LASER offer you a multiple choice for your different clinic requirements. Surgical applications require a technology that offers equally effective ablation and coagulation options. The VELAS series will offer you the wavelength options of 810nm, 940nm, 980nm and 1470nm, so that you could choose a laser which suits your need best.


  • Output power calibration at the end of fiber
  • High quality and reliability
  • Easy to handle
  • High Cost-effective
  • Full accessories for clinic
  • Reliable after sale service and training for distributor 
  • More...

Main Clinic Applications

  • EVLT(Endovenous laser treatment)
  • Vascular
  • ENT
  • Dermatology
  • Orthopaedics
  • PLDD(Percutaneous Laser Dsic Decompression)
  • Neuro surgery
  • Gynaecology
  • Urology
  • General surgery
  • Lipolysis (Laser fat burning )  
  • More...


Gbox 15W Surgical Diode Laser

The new Gbox portable surgery diode laser system from GIGAA is the best value on the market today. Small size body case with 15w power, this mini surgery laser system has a wavelength of 810nm & 980nm for choice; it can be used in the continuous as well as pulsed mode with a contact or non contact handpiece.



980nm Veterinary Diode Laser System

980nm Veterinary Diode Laser is designed for applications in minimally invasive surgery, open surgery and bio-stimulation for small and large animal care. Emitting in the laser energy, it has unsurpassed absorption in water and hemoglobin, which allows controlled tissue ablation and enables a bloodless field for most surgical procedures. The 980nm veterinary diode laser cuts and coagulates optically with negligible collateral tissue damage, charring, or recession. Many procedures using 980nm veterinary diode laser are pain-free, minimizing or even eliminating the need for anesthesia. Laser surgery means less pain, blood loss, and swelling as well as a reduction in post-surgical infections.

980nm Veterinary Diode Laser System
  • Compact and Handheld
  • Quick to set up
  • No maintenance or service requirements 
  • Easy to use
  • High power density and low divergence angle


1210nm laser Liposculture

Diode laser 1210 nm with selective absorption for laser liposculture

High power diode laser with “fat” selective absorption for laser liposculture. Elective to fight forever the fat and cellulite localized heap in a less invasive way than usual liposuction.
Can be treated with safe and effective technique whether small and quite big areas (culottes or hips) and also some areas where there is usually a skin relaxation, like inner part of arms or thighs, chin and neck.
In the same moment we can obtain the adipocyte breaking with a vessel coagulation and a collagen stimulation.
