Welcome to visit Gigaa Medical Laser at MEDICA 2015. MEDICA 2015|16-19 NOV, 2015 will be held in Dusseldorf, Germany, please visit GIGAALASER at one is Hall 16 16E10-12.

Laser Vaginal Tightening
The vagina can lose collagen or tightness due to childbirth, aging or gravity. We called it Vaginal RelaxationSyndrome (VRS), it is both a physical and psychological problem for women and often their partners. Thesechanges can be reduced by the use of a special laser that is calibrated to work on vaginal tissues. Bydelivering the right amount of laser energy the collagen in vaginal tissues is increased as well as its bloodow. This creates a greater feeling of tightness as well as an increase in vaginal lubrication.
Laser Vaginal rejuvenation procedure is a plastic gynecological procedure which involves restoration andtransformation of anatomy and anatomical functionality of the vagina in order to achieve more desirableexperience during sexual life. During the procedure the diameter of the vaginal canal is adjusted according topatients’ needs and prior environmental or physical impact. The procedure also restores, tightens andimproves the overall tone of vaginal walls and may improve the anatomical functionality. In order to satisfythe needs of every patient, an individualized consultation and attention is conducted prior to surgicalintervention.It is also an additional procedure which is performed using a laser technology to create vaginal ridges (rugae)in the vaginal mucosa. In addition to transformation of the vaginal surface, it also results in narrowing of thevaginal canal.
Non-ablative, stimulating collagen vaginal remodeling pain free procedure
Lunch break procedure at the Gynecology clinic (10-15 min)
360° scanning scope, easy-to-perform, and safe procedure
Effcient and long lasting results No need for anesthetics with Non-invasive
Improves vaginal dryness and stress urinary incontinenceUsually 3-5 sessions are recommended.
No special pre-op preparation or post-op precautions are necessary.Each involves the application of heat inside and around the vaginal opening to tighten skin and mucosa (moistintra vaginal skin). Patients can immediately return to their normal everyday activities.
As the NO.1 event for the medical and health care industry in Thailand, the MEDICA FAIR THAILAND provides you with the best business opportunities to navigate the dynamic marketplace of Thailand and Southeast Asia.
GIGAA LASER will bring new medical diode laser and technology to attend the MEDICA FAIR THAILAND 2015 which will be held at QSNCC.Bangkok from 10-12 September, 2015.
Welcome to visit GIGAALASER’s booth at 1C03

Urology Diode Laser System 980nm&1470nm
Urology Diode Laser System 980nm&1470nm
GIGAALASER, after developing the HPLAS 980nm, combines the two parallel working wavelengths of 980nm and 1470nm to introduce a totally newproduct HPLASⅡfor urology.
HPLASⅡ operates dual wavelengths of 980nm and 1470nm running in parallel with the maximum output of 200W, So that it has the advantage that an optimal absorption is achieved in water and hemoglobin, which in turn means a high rate of ablation in combination with a good hemostatic (blood-staunching) effect.
The Dual laser could enable the ejaculation in internal structures of the prostate spared, so it is the very first time for laser method to prevent the so-called retrograde ejaculation, particularly for middle-aged men between 40 and 50 years old who may still have the wish to have children even if they are suffering from BPH.
The excellent hemostatic profile has a positive impact on the healing process: there is virtually no loss of blood during and after procedure, and the internal tissue is spared. The patient experiences relief following the treatment and no longer feels the constant and uncomfortable urge to urinate.
VELAS Pro Medical Diode Laser System
Based on the VELAS platform, VELAS Pro laser series is designed to perform both therapy and many surgical procedures, especially Gynecology treatments. The max output power is 60w, with ergonomic handpiece, huge color touch screen, providing maximum versatility and fastest treatment times.
CHEESEII Dental Diode Laser
Gigaalaser launchs its second generation dental laser CHEESE Ⅱ for the dental market in May, 2015, there is bigger color touch screen, wireless foot control and customizable pre-set protocols in the new laser. As it is becoming more competitive in the dental laser market, our new CHEESE Ⅱ lasers will offer our partners, dentists and hygienists an effective and affordable laser for their practice.

Beauty Expo Australia
Gigaa Laser will attend the Beauty Expo Australia which will be held from 22-23 August. Welcome to visit our booth to see the new laser product.
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