532nm Veins Therapy Removal Laser

Clinical Case (only for reference)
Case Study 1 A old lady with moderately severe telangiectatic and erythematous rosacea was treated with 3 sessions. The visible telangiectatic capillaries were carefully treated with 1mm spot size, 10J/cm2, 15ms, 5-10Hz. Cooling machine assisted. Fractional scanner to treat the cheeks, chin and nose areas with 2cm diameter round field, 1.2mm spot size, 60Hz, random mode and 70% coverage. It takes 4 seconds to deliver the pulses in random pattern over 2cm diameter spot. Treat the lower face spend about 3 minutes per pass (2 passes suggested). After 3 treatment sessions there was a very noticeable improvement in the appearance and symptoms of the rosacea.
Case Study 2 A 57 year old female presented with moderately severe photodamage from chronic sun-exposure. She had broken capillaries, solar lentigines and multiple actinic dysplasias and keratoses. She underwent a single session combination treatment with the 532nm laser and IPL, in conjunction with amino levulinic acid (ALA) photodynamic therapy. The skin was pre-treated with 20% topical ALA 60 minutes prior to the laser treatment. Topical lignocaine/tetracaine anaesthesia was also applied for increased patient comfort. The discrete capillaries were treated with the 532vascular laser on standard handpiece mode (1.2mm spot size, 10j/cm², 15ms, 5-10Hz, contact cooling, standard mode). This was followed with IPL field treatment to further activate the ALA photo sensitizer. There was a significant improvement in the photo damage and overall appearance and texture of the skin with noticeable reduction in the telangiectases, lentigines and dysplastic lesions. The 532nm laser is extremely versatile and effective for facial telangiectases. Treatments can be performed in standard handpiece mode for visible capillaries and/or fractional scanning mode for erythema. Contact cooling machine use can increases patient comfort and avoid side effects from tissue overheating. The 532nm laser can be safely combined with other energy devices and can be used with ALA for photodynamic therapy. The procedure can also be performed with topical anaesthesia cover in sensitive patients. Some patients may experience a mild degree of post treatment swelling and the occasional superficial crusting. However, the procedure is typically very well tolerated with an extremely low incidence of side effects and a high level of patient satisfaction.
Medica 2016 in Dusseldorf

November 14-17, 2016, Dusseldorf, Germany
We sincerely welcome you to visit our booth at Hall16 D20-3
We will bring the Surgical Diode Laser, Physical Therapy Diode Laser, Cosmetic Diode Laser, Dental Diode Laser and Veterinary Diode Laser with the newest technology to attend the exhibition, looking forward to see you at Medica 2016.
Gigaa Laser EVLA training course
Course Director Dr David West MB ChB FRCR EBIR Consultant Interventional Radiologist
This course is based on individual one to one tuition in a specialist vein clinic. Didactic teaching using prepared and distributed literature and opportunities to question the experts will be followed by observation of live cases in the operating room.
Course objectives
- At the end of the course the participants will:
- Understand the basics of laser safety
- Understand the indications and contraindications of EVLA
- Know how to establish an outpatient based varicose vein treatment service
- Understand how to apply their understanding to their own clinical practice.
- The following topics will be covered
- Our results with EVLA
- Lasers for EVLA
- Laser physics and safety
- Room requirements
- Case videos on USB to take away.
- Theatre and nursing issues
- Discussion how to start up, get good results and avoid complications
Assessment and Certification
Assessment is done by a short MCQ exam and on completion the participants will be given Certificates of Training in EVLA using the Gigaa Laser
Dr David West
Consultant Interventional Radiologist
Veincentre Ltd
Unit 6
Lyne Vale Court
Stoke on Trent
Email: davidwest@veincentre.comTel:+86-27-67848871 67848872Fax:+86-27-67848873Email: info@gigaalaser.com
Gbox15w 810nm diode laser for equine ethmoid hematoma treatment
Clinical Application:
Gbox15w 810nm diode laser for equine ethmoid hematoma treatment from GIGAALASER
Clinic Explanation:
Ethmoid hematoma is a progressive and locally destructive disease of horses. It is indicated by a mass in the paranasal sinuses that resembles a tumor but is not neoplastic by any means. Most common clinical signs of the disease include a mild, intermittent nose bleed from one nostril. If the mass is large it may cause abnormal respiratory noise and can occasionally cause malodorous breath. Treatment consists of removing the mass and the tissue of origin.
Related Keywords: Equine laser treatment, ethmoid hematoma, mass ablation
Medical device: Gbox15w 810nm
Operation power: 10-15w, Mode: CW
Accessories: 400um fiber, endoscope
Operation procedure:
1. Diagnosis. Definitive diagnosis can be made with a biopsy and a tentative diagnosis can be made using upper airway endoscopy.
2. Anesthesia. General anesthesia for sinus bone flap.
3. Connect the handpiece with device, starting device and setting parameters.
4. Under the help of trephine hole, make the endoscope and laser advanced to reach aspects of a mass inaccessible via the nasal passage.
5. Wearing laser safety goggle, ablating the mass. Positioning the tip of the optical fiber 5 to 10 mm from the lesion and using laser energy to coagulation it.
6. Packing of the nasal cavity after resection is recommended
7. In some cases, the treatment may be need done many times. A 7-day interval is recommended between treatments.
Increased accuracy of lesion excision reduced surgical morbidity and convalescent time, and improved overall outcome of treatment
* Please keep the horse standing and sedated during the operation.
* Horses should be rested for 30 days after the treatment and slowly reintroduced to
previous exercise.
* Perioperative antibiotics and NSAID therapy is recommended
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