Percutaneous laser disc decompression versus conventional microdiscectomy in sciatica
BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Percutaneous laser disc decompression (PLDD) is a minimally invasive treatment for lumbar disc herniation, with Food and Drug Administration approval since 1991.
However, no randomized trial comparing PLDD to conventional treatment has been performed.
PURPOSE: In this trial, we assessed the effectiveness of a strategy of PLDD as compared with conventional surgery.
STUDY DESIGN/SETTING: This randomized prospective trial with a noninferiority design was carried out in two academic and six teaching hospitals in the Netherlands according to an intent-totreat protocol with full institutional review board approval.
PATIENT SAMPLE: One hundred fifteen eligible surgical candidates, with sciatica from a disc herniation smaller than one-third of the spinal canal, were included.
OUTCOME MEASURES: The main outcome measures for this trial were the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire for sciatica, visual analog scores for back and leg pain, and the patient’s report of perceived recovery.
METHODS: Patients were randomly allocated to PLDD (n557) or conventional surgery (n558).Blinding was impossible because of the nature of the interventions. This study was funded by the Healthcare Insurance Board of the Netherlands
VELASII-30AB Medical Diode Laser
GIGAA LASER release the VELASII-30AB medical diode laser
It has 15W 810nm+15W 980nm. It can use one wavelength, and also can use two wavelength together.
When use the one wavelength, the Max. power is 15W. And when use two wavelength together, the Max. power is 30W.
Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 2018

The Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna will be hold from 16 March to 19 March.
We sincerely welcome you to visit our booth at Hall34 J9.
We will bring our new aesthetic lasers---1550nm non-ablative Er:Glass Laser, Non-invasive Lipolysis Laser, 532nm veins laser etc. to attend the exhibition, looking forward to see you at Cosmoprof Worldwide.
2018 Arab Health exhibition
The 2018 Arab Health exhibition will be hold from 29 January to 01 February at Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre.
We sincerely welcome you to visit our booth at H8 H36.
We will bring the CheeseII, Gbox and VELAS diode laser with the newest technology to attend the exhibition, looking forward to see you at 2018 Arab Health.

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