Surgical methods
The use of endoscopic sinus STORZ Germany,0 °, the diameter of 4mm. VELAS30W diode laser system, wavelength (810 ± 10) nm, output power of 1 ~ 30 W, fiber diameter of 400 or 600μm, optical head can be aimed atred light, a diameter of 635 nm, used for positioning, no damageto the mucosa.
DCR stoma Office location:
(1) middle turbinateaxilla as a reference point, away from the top of about 2Department for the lacrimal sac mm stoma Department;
(2) smalllaser fiber by the heart-rending, the tears of small tubesinserted Entry to the lacrimal sac, through the observationof optical fibers of the red hair targeting light to determinethe lacrimal sac Lateral wall of the nasal cavity is theprojection Office stoma. All patients were using localanesthesia, nose Nasal septum in the first endoscopicsubmucosal resection of nasal septum surgery, and thenSelect continuous mode laser conditioning, power for 8 ~ 12W, with laser cut nose Hill Mucosa, lacrimal sac exposedposition, the 11 cases in which the direct use of the laser (more than 15 cases of At the same time with osteotome use) to remove the parts of bone, bone-wall windows of about 10mm × 8 mm, to exposure to tear blue wall to wall tear up lacrimalprobe, Uncinate process cut open with wall to wall tears afterthe expansion of the diameter of 8 ~ 10 mm. Incision on bothsides of the tears turned to the wall, using laser wall willtear around the nasal mucosa and mucosa welding, punishablestoma filling gelatin sponge particles. With three cases ofpreoperative lacrimal probe found that heart-rendingexploration of small spinal stenosis, surgery canalicularProbing of the narrow tube and nasal lacrimal sac into theexpansion tube stoma and fixed in the lateral wall of nasalcavity; more than 23 cases of non - put expansion tube.Deviation of nasal septum in patients with postoperative nasalpacking line, 1 ~ 2 d after the pull-out.