The advantage of Gigaa diode lasers in Veterinary applications
- Economical and well-built smaller
- Easy operate for surgical room and outdoors
- The laser delivery system with different diameter optical flexible fiber from 200um to 1000um in contact and non contact mode
- Satisfied with multitude of clinical applications with special hand pieces , optical focused hand pieces and endoscope
- Precise and safety
- No maintenance and long life time.
Surgery and General Surgery
- Anal Sac Abscessation
- Ceruminous Adenocarcinoma
- Declaw
- Epibulbar Melanoma
- Hemangiopericytoma
- Perianal Tumors
- Tendon Sheath Tumors
- Ablation of Penile and Cervical Lesions
- Entrapped Epiglottis Procedure
- Ethmoid Hematoma
- Gutteral Pouch Membrane Ablation
Small Animal
- Ear Canal Ablation
- Gingivectomy/Plasty
- Laryngeal Scar Removal
- Oral, Ear, Nose & Throat
- Osteosarcoma of Palate
- Salivary Gland Removal
- Soft Palate Resection
- Tonsillectomy
- Conjunctiva Treatment
- Distichia, Ectopic Cilia
- Entropion
- Eyelid Tumor Removal
- Hemangioma Removal
- Mast Cell Tumors
Avian and Exotic
- Cesearian Section
- Eyelid Polyp Removal
- Granulation Tissue Ablation
- Papilloma Removal
- Renal Adenocarcinoma