
Diode Laser as A Therapeutic Tool

Lasers have been used safely as a therapeutic tool for over 30 years. Instead of ablating tissue, LT stimulates cellular activity that improves the speed and quality of healing. In over 1,800 publications worldwide, LT has demonstrated its non-invasive, non-toxic quality, and its ability to augment and in some cases, replace, pharmaceuticals and surgical intervention. LT is most often used as a primary medical treatment, but is also effective as a complement to other modalities, such as needle acupuncture and chiropractic adjustment. Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Dentists, Osteopaths and M.D.'s currently use LT for a variety of problems; including the treatment of acute pain and chronic degenerative conditions, improving the speed and quality of wound healing, and for muscle, tendon and ligament injuries.

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