
Happy Feet - Diode Laser treatment

Diode Laser treatment: A New Approach to Improving Foot Care

1. Bunions (Big toe Pain and deformity)
2. Plantar fasciitis (Arch and heel pain)
3. Metatarsalgia (Pain between the toes)
4. Morton's Neuroma (severe pain between the toes)
5. Nail fungus infection
6. Remove warts, ingrown nails, infected toenails, and some deep-rooted callouses, among other foot problems.




ClassIV High Power Therapy VS LLLT

Laser light energy is highly absorbed by skin and subcutaneous
tissue, therefore, penetration is key to therapeutic result.
Longer wavelengths and higher power output result in
deeper penetration and higher dosage to the tissue. Larger
laser therapeutic dosage levels produce improved clinical
outcomes as illustrated in the case and interventional studies
cited above. LLLT (Classes I-III) does not provide optimal
clinical outcomes in most disease conditions because they
cannot deliver the necessary dosage to deep structures
without using excessively long treatment times. Class IV
lasers have been shown to provide both the wavelengths and
output power levels necessary to trigger therapeutic cellular
metabolic changes.



High Power Laser Therapy: How Does it Work?

High Power Laser Therapy: How Does it Work?

Research biologists describe the healing process in the following way.

1. Reduced blood flow deprives human tissue of oxygen and glucose.

2. The powerhouse of the cell (the mitochondria) needs this oxygen and glucose to manufacture energy (ATP.)

Without ATP (adenosine triphosphate) the cell cannot function (e.g. a muscle cell cannot contract or relax) and it cannot repair components of the cell that have been damaged.

Simply stated,


The Solution
Laser therapy bypasses the blood stream and delivers laser energy to light receptors (photoreceptors) within the mitochondria. The mitochondria accepts this energy and uses it to create ATP, which the cell can use to power the healing process.


Treatment with the Avicenna Laser is pain-free. The patient experiences only a gentle warming spa-like sensation over the surface of the skin.


Gigaa 1064nm Laser for Fungal Nail Infection Treatment

                              1064nm  10W max power



Veterinary laser therapy

High power veterinary therapy laser

High Power Laser Therapy can Treat Many More Conditions in Much Less Time with Far Better Results than Cold Laser.Class IV High Power Laser Therapy (HPLT) is able to treat all the same conditions that respond well to Cold Laser Therapy including a great many more.

Treatable conditions
  1. Arthritis (Degenerative Joint Disease)
  2. Back Pain (Intervertebral Disc Disease)
  3. Trauma (Skin, Muscle, Bone)
  4. Wounds (Trauma)
  5. Surgery (Incisions, Growth Removals, Bone Surgery)
  6. Inflammatory Conditions:
  • Acute or chronic otitis (Ear problems)
  • Anal Gland inflammation
  • Periodontitis (Gingivitis)
  • Hot Spots
  • Lick Granulomas
  • Idiopathic Cystitis - (Bladder Inflammation)
  • Sinusitis, Rhinitis (Nasal problems)


Gigaa Gynecology Diode Laser

The laser technology has been used in gynecology over 20 years. And now the diode laser has also developed as progressive instrument in gynecology for it portable size, excellent clinical results and affordable price. Thanks to the diode laser can pass their energy though optical fiber inserted in endoscopes, the surgeon can work more quickly and precise than other energy source. It provides you a new choice for colpscope, laparoscope and fetoscopy applications.

welcome to visit www.gigaalaser.com to get more info


Gigaa Veterinary Diode Laser System

Surgery and General Surgery
·Anal Sac Abcessation
·Ceruminous Adenocarcinoma
·Epibulbar Melanoma
·Perianal Tumors
·Tendon Sheath Tumors

Small Animal
·Ear Canal Ablation
·Laryngeal Scar Removal
·Oral, Ear, Nose & Throat
·Osteosarcoma of Palate
·Salivary Gland Removal
·Soft Palate Resection

·Ablation of Penile and Cervical Lesions
·Entrapped Epiglottis Procedure
·Ethmoid Hematoma
·Gutteral Pouch Membrane Ablation

Avian and Exotic
·Cesearian Section
·Eyelid Polyp Removal
·Granulation Tissue Ablation
·Papilloma Removal
·Renal Adenocarcinoma

·Conjunctiva Treatment
·Distichia, Ectopic Cilia
·Eyelid Tumor Removal
·Hemangioma Removal
·Mast Cell Tumors


Gigaa Laser EVLA training course

Course Director Dr David West MB ChB FRCR EBIR Consultant Interventional Radiologist

About the course
This course is based on individual one to one tuition in a specialist vein clinic. Didactic teaching using prepared and distributed literature and opportunities to question the experts will be followed by observation of live cases in the operating room.

Course objectives
At the end of the course the participants will:
Understand the basics of laser safety
Understand the indications and contraindications of EVLA
Know how to establish an outpatient based varicose vein treatment service
Understand how to apply their understanding to their own clinical practice.

The following topics will be covered
Our results with EVLA
Lasers for EVLA
Laser physics and safety
Room requirements
Case videos on USB to take away.
Theatre and nursing issues
Discussion how to start up, get good results and avoid complications
Assessment and Certification
Assessment is done by a short MCQ exam and on completion the participants will be given Certificates of Training in EVLA using the Gigaa Laser

Dr David West
Consultant Interventional Radiologist
Veincentre Ltd
Unit 6
Lyne Vale Court
Stoke on Trent

Email davidwest@veincentre.com


Gynecology Diode Laser Applications

Colposcopy Applications
HPV lesions
Cysts of the mucosa
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
Fornix and cupola pathologies
Ectopic lesions
Benign erythroplakia

Laparoscopic Laser Treatments
Fallopian tube microsurgery
Ectopic pregnancy
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
Resection of uterine septum
Ablation of the uterosacral ligaments
Ovarian drilling (PCOS)
… and more

Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy

A complete examination of a woman’s internal pelvic structures can provide important information regarding infertility and common gynecologic disorders. Frequently, problems that cannot be discovered by an external physical examination can be discovered by laparoscopy and hysteroscopy, two procedures that provide a direct look at the pelvic organs. These procedures may be recommended as part of your infertility care, depending on your particular situation. Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy can be used for both diagnostic (looking only) and operative (looking and treating) purposes.

During operative laparoscopy, many abdominal disorders can be treated safely through the laparoscope at the same time that the diagnosis is made. When performing operative laparoscopy, the physician inserts additional instruments such as probes, scissors, grasping instruments, biopsy forceps, electrosurgical or laser instruments, and suture materials through two or three additional incisions. Lasers, while a significant help in certain operations, are expensive and are not necessarily better or more effective than other surgical techniques used during operative laparoscopy. The choice of technique and instruments depends on many factors including the physician’s experience, location of the problem, and availability of equipment. Some problems that can be corrected with operative laparoscopy include removing adhesions (scar tissue)from around the fallopian tubes and ovaries, opening blocked tubes, removing ovarian cysts, and treating ectopic pregnancy. Endometriosis can also be removed or ablated from the outside of the uterus, ovaries or peritoneum. Under certain circumstances, fibroids on the uterus can also be removed. Operative laparoscopy can also be used to remove diseased ovaries and can be performed as part of a hysterectomy.

Operative hysteroscopy can treat many of the abnormalities found during diagnostic hysteroscopy. Operative hysteroscopy is similar to diagnostic hysteroscopy except that narrow instruments are placed into the uterine cavity through a channel in the operative hysteroscope. Fibroids, scar tissue, and polyps can be removed from inside the uterus. Some structural abnormalities, such as a uterine septum, may be corrected through the hysteroscope.
Your physician may want you to take medications to prepare the uterus for surgery. At the conclusion of surgery, your physician may insert a balloon catheter or other device inside the uterus. Antibiotics and/or estrogen may be prescribed after some types of uterine surgery to prevent infection and stimulate healing of the endometrium. Endometrial ablation, a procedure in which the lining of the uterus is destroyed, can be used to treat some cases of excessive uterine bleeding. Ablation of the uterine lining is not performed in women who wish to become pregnant. For more information on this topic, please refer to the ASRM’s Patient Fact Sheet Endometrial Ablation.


Intrauterine Ablation or Resection of the Endometrium

Ablation or destruction of the endometrium is used to treat menorrhagia in women who failed standard therapy. It is considered a less invasive alternative to hysterectomy; however, as with hysterectomy, the procedure is not recommended for women who wish to preserve their fertility.

Techniques for endometrial ablation are generally divided into two categories: those that do and do not require hysteroscopic procedures (also known as first- and second-generation procedures). Hysteroscopic techniques were developed first; the initial technique was photovaporization of the endometrium using an Nd-YAG laser, and this was followed by electrosurgical ablation using an electrical rollerball or electrical wire loop. (The latter technique is also known as transcervical resection of the endometrium or TCRE).
Hydrothermal ablation also involves hysteroscopy. Hysteroscopic techniques require skilled surgeons and, due to the requirement for cervical dilation, use of general or regional anesthesia. In addition, the need for the instillation of hypotonic distension media creates a risk of pulmonary edema and hyponatremia such that very accurate monitoring of fluids is required. Intrauterine ablation or resection may be performed on an outpatient basis, with an overnight hospital stay, or in a physician’s office depending on the method used.

Clinical Introduction of Gynecology Laser treatment

Using standard diagnostic hysteroscopes and specially designed fibers you can vaporize in contact polyps and myomas. Laser energy does not contract the lining muscle tissues which results in a procedure performed with minimal pain and requiring only minimal local anesthesia. The treatment is done using continuous flow which provides a clean environment. Laser energy allows for precise control of the tissue vaporization with no bleeding and immediately visible results.

Colposcopy Applications
HPV lesions
Cysts of the mucosa
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
Fornix and cupola pathologies
Ectopic lesions
Benign erythroplakia

Laparoscopic Laser Treatments
Fallopian tube microsurgery
Ectopic pregnancy
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
Resection of uterine septum
Ablation of the uterosacral ligaments
Ovarian drilling (PCOS)

Why Should Choose the Diode Laser for Gynecology Treatment?

Safer saline environment
Contact use for tactile feedback
Good visibility
Rare complications

High success rate in outpatient setting
Excellent haemostasis and tissue vaporisation speed
Lower cost compared to surgery


Gbox Surgical Diode Laser

Comprehensive range of application accessories, with very reasonable distributor price. We provide the laser machine with full standard accessories,So the end user can work with the laser system directly.


8 inch touch screen display
Advanced software with presetting protocols to be manually customized by operator such as rename the protocols, change the parameters and save it.

Output power calibration
Adjustable aiming beam (pilot light), background light and sound.Output power calibration at the end of fiber. Built-in power meter can test the power in the software by user. 20 KHz top-pulsation for a quick and tissue-protecting performance.

Adjustable aiming beam (pilot light), background light and sound.Output power calibration at the end of fiber. Built-in power meter can test the power in the software by user. 20 KHz top-pulsation for a quick and tissue-protecting performance.


810nm/980nm for optional
15w 810nm or 980nm for choice, with CW, single pulse and pulsed mode.
User-friendly interface
There have quick operation mode on the interface ,It is easy to set every parameter on interface.

Technical Specifications
Laser Type GaAlAs Diode Laser

Model Gbox15A/B
Wavelength 810nm/980nm
Maximum Power 15 W
Operation Mode CW, Single Or Repeat Pulse
Pulse Duration 10μs-3s
Repetition Rate 0.2Hz-20KHz
Transmission System Fibers Of 200um ,400um And 600um With SMA905 Connector
Pilot Beam Red Diode Laser Of 635nm, Power
Mode True Color Touch Screen
Voltage/Current  Rating110/220 VAC, 5A , 50/60 Hz
Dimensions 215(W)*245(L)*315(H) mm
Weight 4Kg
Safety Compliance


India Medicall Expo 2013

India Medicall Expo 2013|2nd-4th August, 2013
Medicall Expo will be held in Chennai, TamilNadu, India, please visit GIGAALASER at Hall 2 H6.


What is Laparoscopy?

This minimally invasive surgical procedure allows your doctor to perform surgery through small incisions. By using a laparoscope (a thin lighted telescope), your gynecologic surgeon can make a small incision in the abdomen, rather than a long cut. The laparoscope is inserted through one or more small incisions into your abdomen. Not all patients are candidates for this type of surgery.

What are the advantages of laparoscopy?

The advantages of laparoscopy include minimal incisions, less pain, quicker recovery and reduced risk of infection.

When would my doctor elect laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy is used in the following surgical situations:

  • Endometriosis diagnosis and treatment
  • Symptomatic ovarian cyst
  • Hysterectomy
  • Exploratory surgery for possible infertility causes
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Pelvic pain
  • Tubal ligation

Laser in Gynaecology

What is it?

Every woman, throughout her life, will have many questions about how to best manage her health.  Each stage in a woman’s life brings with it specific issues, including decisions about routine care, birth control, fertility, pregnancy and menopause. Women need to feel as if they have a trusted advocate and partner to help them navigate the often confusing messages that abound about women’s health.

Laser in Gynaecology
The use of laser technology in gynaecology has become widespread from the early 1970’s by the introduction of CO2 lasers for the treatment of cervical erosions and other colposcopy applications. Since then, many advancements in laser technology have been made, and several other types of lasers are now available, including the latest semiconductor diode lasers.

At the same time, the laser has become a popular instrument in laparoscopy, especially in the area of infertility. Other areas like Vagine Rejuvenation and the treatment of sexually transmitted lesions renewed interest on lasers in the field of gynaecology.
Today, the trend to perform outpatient procedures and minimally invasive treatments lead to the development of very valuable applications in outpatient hysteroscopy using standard diagnostic instruments to resolve minor or more complicated conditions right in the office with the help of state of the art fiber optics.
Female Reproductive System