
Laser in Gynaecology

What is it?

Every woman, throughout her life, will have many questions about how to best manage her health.  Each stage in a woman’s life brings with it specific issues, including decisions about routine care, birth control, fertility, pregnancy and menopause. Women need to feel as if they have a trusted advocate and partner to help them navigate the often confusing messages that abound about women’s health.

Laser in Gynaecology
The use of laser technology in gynaecology has become widespread from the early 1970’s by the introduction of CO2 lasers for the treatment of cervical erosions and other colposcopy applications. Since then, many advancements in laser technology have been made, and several other types of lasers are now available, including the latest semiconductor diode lasers.

At the same time, the laser has become a popular instrument in laparoscopy, especially in the area of infertility. Other areas like Vagine Rejuvenation and the treatment of sexually transmitted lesions renewed interest on lasers in the field of gynaecology.
Today, the trend to perform outpatient procedures and minimally invasive treatments lead to the development of very valuable applications in outpatient hysteroscopy using standard diagnostic instruments to resolve minor or more complicated conditions right in the office with the help of state of the art fiber optics.
Female Reproductive System

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