What are hemorrhoids and how often they are faced?
At birth everybody has a vascular plexus around the rectum, mostly consisting of veins. It has a specific function – function of barrier. Often, during the lifetime, this vascular plexus is affected by various factors and as the result enlarges and begins to disturb. This situation is then known as hemorrhoids.
Up to 50% of all EU citizens are faced with problems or discomfort in this regard. Both men and women are struggling with hemorrhoids. The highest risk of experiencing the hemorrhoid problems is between 45 to 55 years, although in practice it's possible to see very young and very elderly patients with hemorrhoid problems.
How hemorrhoids let know about itslef?
Presentations are very different. Discomfort in the rectal area, itch, spotting (fresh) at the bowel, inflammations (painful formations in the rectal area), at the later stages nodes in the time of dejection or physical exertion.
Hemorrhoids don’t have specific symptoms. There may be similar symptoms in the cases of relatively harmless diseases (small rupture of the mucous coat, small polyp, etc.) or very serious diseases (cancer, rectal inflammations - ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease), requiring immediate and serious treatment.
The hemorrhoid problems can be solved only surgically?
People often have the impression that the surgeon-proctologist should definitely operate every patient. There are cases, when it’s necessary, but there are also other methods of treatment. The main problem is to go to the proctologist, and then to continue the dialogue.
Is it necessary to prepare something specific for the visit to the proctologist?
The first visit does not require any specific preparation. Some people think that it’s forbidden to eat or drink during the whole day, or use any medicines for bowel cleansing - it is not necessary. If a person subjectively feels that it will be better, he can make one microclyster with non-prescription medicines, bought in pharmacy, but this is not obligatory. If during the preparation for a specific procedure some additional actions will be necessary, the doctor will tell about them in details. No medicine, prescription or non-prescription, should not be used unnecessarily. Patients of laser medical clinic patients are provided with the most discreet and delicate attitude and comfort, which are not less important.
Which technologies are used during surgery?
By using a laser, the haemorrhoids nourishing blood vessels are burned up. Studies have proved that in case of enlarged haemorrhoids, these blood vessels are badly enlarges, the circulation of blood is increased. This method is mostly being used at early stages of hemorrhoids, when the nodes in anal orifice are not observed, but the patient has more complaints directly on the bleeding.
With the use of laser technology for more complex haemorrhoid problems, in the hemorrhoid node is sticked a “laser needle” and burning up is performed, leading to node flattening, so to say - stick to the gut wall. It’s very accurately estimated how much energy is needed for this purpose, in order to prevent affection of the sphincter or rectal mucosa. This can be local anesthesia, with the help of a special barrier, but there are situations, when the surgery requires anesthesia (usually spinal or intravenous anesthesia).
The pain is not very strong, but there is a physiological burn, certain discomfort and the anaesthetic pills should be used, but in terms of pain that is not comparable to the classical operation. In general, several hours should be spent in the clinic. If the patient lives far away, operation is scheduled for afternoon or the disease degree is high, we offer to stay in hospital for the night.