Ultrasound image showing the catheter and the laser fber inserted in the Saphenous vein

Duplex ultrasound is performed in the upright posi-tion to map incompetent sources of venous refux and then to mark the skin overlying the incompetent portion of the great saphenous vein starting at the saphenofemoral junction

Duplex control is used to guide injection of 7- to 8-mL aliquots of the following solution: 10 mL lidocaine 1% with epinephrine and 10 mL lidocaine 1% without epinephrine and additional 60 mL physiologic serum

To reduce the amount of blood inside the vein, patients are placed in a 15–20° head-down position (Trendelenburg position)

During laser irradiation, the withdrawal of the laser fber is controlled to apply a constant linear endovenous energy density (in this case, a metric ruler)

At the end of the surgical procedure, venous com-pression was applied for 24 h by irremovable compression bandage