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Endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) has been developed as an alternative to surgery of the great saphenous vein and short saphenous vein in an attempt to reduce morbidity and improve recovery time.
EVLA can be performed in an outpatient special procedure room in a hospital.
EVLA works by means of thermal destruction of venous tissues. Several wavelengths can be used: 810, 940, 980, 1,064, 1,320, 1,470, and 1,500 nm.
Heating decreases with tissue depth as absorption and scattering attenuate the incident beam. Consequently, the laser beam must heat the
vein wall and not the blood
Before EVLA is performed, the vein lumen must be emptied of its blood by using leg elevation (Trendelenburg positioning), manual
compression, and infltration with perisaphenous subcutaneous tumescent saline solution.
The appropriate linear endovenous energy density (LEED) must be selected as a function of the diameter of treated segment. Veins larger
than 9–12 mm in diameter are diffcult to treat, even when using higher energy.
In a general manner, side effects are energy dependent. LEED more than 100 J/cm is very often associated to superfcial burns and palpable indurations.