The 1064nm provide safe, fast and effective way to manage toenail fungus or onychomycosis as it is known in the medical world. This wavelength laser is the latest and one of the most effective ways to treat this unsightly condition. Unlike other treatment options there are no known side effects.The ability of the 1064 laser energy to gently heat the nail bed makes it ideal for the safeand effective desired result of nail clearing. The effects of 1064 nanometer laser energy on nail fungi are two fold and understood in relation to cellular chemical reactions within fungal cells that are necessary for fungal growth and survival. The photo-thermal effect changes cellular metabolism and at increased temperature (42°C), cell components are damaged and metabolism is altered. Clinicians report a photo-chemical effect that further compromises fungal cell enzymes and proteins. Lipids in cell me mbranes are changed in structure and their function of protecting and regulating the internal environment of the cell becomes further compromised resulting in fungal death and nail clearance.