
Equine Tendnitis Laser Therapy

Clinical Application:
Gbox15A diode laser for equine tendinitis therapy from GIGAALASERClinic

Equine tendinitis is inflammation of a tendon. It is usually involves disruption of the tenderfibers. Excessive strain on a tendon can damage its collagen fibers.Tendinitis is commonly recognized in racing horses. Laser therapy is to decreaseinflammation and swelling, promote restoration of normal tendon structure and function assoon as possible.

Related Keywords:Equine, laser, tendinitis

Medical device:Cheese15W, 810nmMode: CW modeOperation power: 8-12W

Accessories:VET handpiece

Operation procedure:
1. Diagnosis: detection of the lesion in the SDFT (superficial digital flexor tendon) byultrasonography
2. Keep the equine in standing and quiet condition
3. Connecting the handpiece with device, starting device and setting parameters.
4. Wearing the safety goggles, focus the VET handpiece and irradiate injured tendon.The irradiation time is suggested in 5-10 mins.
5. Irradiation the lesion once a day and for ten days.

* The therapeutic effects are including: increase of protein synthesis, improved blood flow,lymphatic regeneration, pain relief, improved cellular phagocytic activity, fibroblastproliferation, and collagen production.
* Make healing process more quickly

Notice:During the therapy operation, please keep the horse in stalls and controlled it exercise.(hand-walked twice daily for 15 minutes)

PS: Therapeutic applications which have shown promising results include:
* Arthritis
* Enhances Lymphatic Drainage
* Releases Tight Muscles
* Soft tissue injuries, including sprains and strains, tendonitis and haematomas
* Chronic Pain
* Neuropathy Musculoskeletal Pain
* Myofascial Pain
* Sports Injuries
* Wound Healing (Speeds Healing)


