Beautysure™ is ideal for people with trouble spots, particularly those that seem resistant to diet and exercise. Most
patients feel a tingling sensation intermittently throughout the treatment which is well-tolerated. Clinically proven in
multisite trials in more than 100 patients with over 90% patient satisfaction rate.
Noninvasive body contouring without surgery or downtime
The controlled energy delivered destroy the up to 25% subcutaneous fat in just 25 minutes.Non-suction and flat applicator and contouring frames can be customized individuality figurations to meet patient’sneed. Multiple areas can be treated.
Disrupted adipose tissue temperature elevated between 42°C and 47°C, contact cooling keep the patient comfortable throughout the treatment.
Hands-free treatment to free doctor’s hand and time, the device can be easily incorporated into a clinic using existing staff .
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