
Laser Acupuncture (Needleless Acupuncture)

Laser Acupuncture relies upon similar dosage principles as needling, and knowledge of acupuncture theory and practice is required.  There are two approaches; frst the Precise Approach; and second the General Approach. 
1. Te Precise Approach uses the laser with great fnesse to efect stimulation of the precise acupuncture points. Some believe that lower dosages will “tonify” the acupuncture points, while higher dosages will “sedate” the acupuncture points. 
2. Te General Approach uses the laser to stimulate the acupuncture points and the surrounding area of the acupuncture point. Active acupuncture points are typically painful upon palpation. Te application of laser therapy has proven to be efective at “releasing” the acupuncture point, and reducing pain


