
Summary of Laser Therapy Treatment Techniques

Wand Position:Perpendicular to treatment area, usually directly on the skin.

Treatment Area: Area that includes at least 1-2 inches of healthy tissue outside the targeted area.

Treatment Rate: Move wand at a rate of 1” per second. You may increase rate if patient experiences thermal sensitivity.

Treatment Frequency: Acute: daily.  Chronic: every other day: 3 times/week.

Treatment Duration: Refer to treatment protocol chart.

Dosage: Refer to treatment protocol chart.

Areas Requiring Deeper PenetrationWand Position: Perpendicular to treatment area, place wand on the skin.Areas Requiring Superfcial PenetrationWand Position: Perpendicular to treatment area, 1 -2 inches from the skin.

Regions: Fingers, Toes and over open wounds.

Pulsed application is used to custom tailor beam quality to ft the patient’s condition, (acute/chronic), comfort level, as well as technique of application. Cryo-therapy is strongly advised for continuous laser applications above 35 watts and for all pulsed applications over 25 watts


