welcome to visit and test our CheeseII dental laser at 6N-26
532nm 8W + 940nm 30W Multiwave Telangiectasia Removal Laser

532nm green light laser for superficial telangiectasia removal treatment.
940nm laser energy for big and deep telangiectasia removal treatment.
Beauty Scan

Used together with GIGAA Laser product, for dermatology/skin/veins/cosmetic/aesthetic applications
contact donna@gigaalaser.com to get more informations.
The diode (wavelength 810-10,600nm) laser has become increasingly popular in large animal surgery since it has a very similar wavelength to the Nd:YAG and therefore can also be delivered via a small quartz fiber through a video endoscope. The advantage over the Nd:YAG is that the diode laser is small, portable, and more efficient.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Laser Surgery Versus Conventional Surgery
- Less Bleeding - The laser seals small blood vessels during surgery.
- Less Swelling – Decreased bleeding and no crushing of tissues decreases post-operative swelling.
- Shorter Hospitalization Times – Many procedures can be done with standing sedation and therefore, the horse does not require general anesthesia. This reduces the risk of complications as well as hospitalization time.
- Precision - The laser can be controlled precisely to remove thin layers of tissue.
- Less Pain - The laser seals nerve endings as it cuts therefore, the patient experiences less pain.
- Sterilization - The laser sterilizes the surgical site (kills bacteria) as it cuts.
- Faster Recovery – A decreased amount of bleeding and swelling will result in faster healing of tissue. This will lead to a faster return to activity and use.
- Requires specialized equipment and training.
- Can result in excessive thermal damage to adjacent or target tissue if not used appropriately.
980nm laser + bare fiber VS 1470nm laser + radial fiber
Objectives: The aim of this study is to compare efficacy, early postoperative morbidity and patient comfort of two laser wavelengths and fibre types in treatment of great saphenous vein (GSV) incompetence resulting in varicosities of the lower limb.
Design: Prospective randomised clinical trial.
Materials and Methods: Sixty patients (106 limbs) were randomised into two groups. They were treated with bare-tip fibres and a 980 nm laser in group 1 and radial fibres and 1470 nm laser in group 2 in order to ablate the GSV. Local pain, ecchymosis, induration and paraesthesia in treated regions, distance from skin, vein diameter, treated vein length, tumescent anesthesia volume, delivered energy and patient satisfaction were recorded. Follow-up visits were planned on the 2nd postoperative day, 7th day, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 6th months.
Results: Mean GSV diameters at saphenofemoral junction and knee levels were 12.1 S.D. 4.3 mm and 8.2 S.D. 2.4 mm, and 11.8 S.D. 4.1 mm and 7.9 S.D. 2.6 mm respectively in groups 1 and 2. There were 14 patients with induration, 13 with ecchymosis and nine minimal paraes-thesia in group 1 and no or minimal local pain, minimum ecchymosis or induration in group 2.Duration of pain and need for analgesia was also lower in group 2 (p < 0.05). There was signif-icant difference on postoperative day 2, day 7 and 1st month control in favor of group 2 invenous clinical severity scores (VCSS).
Conclusion: Treatment of the GSV by endovenous laser ablation using a 1470 nm laser and a radial fiber resulted in less postoperative pain and better VCSS scores in the first month than treatment with a 980 nm laser and a bare-tip fiber
Our early term results of the EVLA procedure were satisfactory, and the results of this study reaffrmed the safety and effectiveness of an EVLA using a 1470 nm wavelength for the treatment of GSV insuffciency. Furthermore patients experienced minimal post procedure discomfort compared to those treated with the current generation of lasers. This may refecte more specifc vein wall injury secondary to the absorption characteristics of the laser energy.
Key words: Endovenous laser ablation, saphenous vein, venous insuffciency
Methods and Treatment Parameters
Laser 1470 nm
Type of Fiber radial tip fber
Number of Patients Treated 95
Joules Used Per cm 45 J/cm (median)
Operative Data of 95 Patıents in Whom EVLA Procedures Were Performed
EVLA application (%) Right 34 (35.7%) Left 61 (64.2%)
Type of anesthesia (n (%)) Local: 23 (11.22) General: 72 (88.78)
Mean laser power (W) 5.18 ± 0.83
Mean treated vein segment (cm) 26.80 ± 8.32
Mean tumescent anesthesia volume (mL) 460.54 ± 66.20
Mean total applied energy ( J) 2153.52±230.78

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