The diode (wavelength 810-10,600nm) laser has become increasingly popular in large animal surgery since it has a very similar wavelength to the Nd:YAG and therefore can also be delivered via a small quartz fiber through a video endoscope. The advantage over the Nd:YAG is that the diode laser is small, portable, and more efficient.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Laser Surgery Versus Conventional Surgery
- Less Bleeding - The laser seals small blood vessels during surgery.
- Less Swelling – Decreased bleeding and no crushing of tissues decreases post-operative swelling.
- Shorter Hospitalization Times – Many procedures can be done with standing sedation and therefore, the horse does not require general anesthesia. This reduces the risk of complications as well as hospitalization time.
- Precision - The laser can be controlled precisely to remove thin layers of tissue.
- Less Pain - The laser seals nerve endings as it cuts therefore, the patient experiences less pain.
- Sterilization - The laser sterilizes the surgical site (kills bacteria) as it cuts.
- Faster Recovery – A decreased amount of bleeding and swelling will result in faster healing of tissue. This will lead to a faster return to activity and use.
- Requires specialized equipment and training.
- Can result in excessive thermal damage to adjacent or target tissue if not used appropriately.