Our early term results of the EVLA procedure were satisfactory, and the results of this study reaffrmed the safety and effectiveness of an EVLA using a 1470 nm wavelength for the treatment of GSV insuffciency. Furthermore patients experienced minimal post procedure discomfort compared to those treated with the current generation of lasers. This may refecte more specifc vein wall injury secondary to the absorption characteristics of the laser energy.
Key words: Endovenous laser ablation, saphenous vein, venous insuffciency
Methods and Treatment Parameters
Laser 1470 nm
Type of Fiber radial tip fber
Number of Patients Treated 95
Joules Used Per cm 45 J/cm (median)
Operative Data of 95 Patıents in Whom EVLA Procedures Were Performed
EVLA application (%) Right 34 (35.7%) Left 61 (64.2%)
Type of anesthesia (n (%)) Local: 23 (11.22) General: 72 (88.78)
Mean laser power (W) 5.18 ± 0.83
Mean treated vein segment (cm) 26.80 ± 8.32
Mean tumescent anesthesia volume (mL) 460.54 ± 66.20
Mean total applied energy ( J) 2153.52±230.78
