
Diode Laser Treatment Leg Veins

Multiple diode lasers are now available, and differentsystems can emit infrared light at a variety ofwavelengths, including 800, 810, 940, and 980 nm. All of these devices are capable of being absorbed bythe tertiary hemoglobin peak and can be effective intreating leg telangiectases. The longer diode laserwavelengths penetrate more deeply than yellowlight and are poorly absorbed by melanin, but theyalso have limited but significant hemoglobin absorption.For that reason, the 980-nm diode lasercan be safely used in patients with skin typesI to IV skin.

The 800-nm diode can also be used to provideeffective treatment of leg blood vessels by usingstacked pulses (5–8 stacked pulses), a 50-ms pulseduration, a 3-mm spot size, and fluences of 210 to336 J/cm2. Using up to three separate treatments, itwas possible to achieve 50% to 74% improvementin 60% of patients (6/10).

The 810-nm pulsed diode used with a fluenceof 80 to 100 J/cm2, a 12-mm spot size, and a60-ms pulse duration demonstrated complete clearanceof leg vessels in 15 of 35 patients after asingle treatment,33 although at 6-month follow-up,only six patients maintained complete resolutionof vessels.

The 940-nm-diode laser had no effect when used totreat small blood vessels but was capable of improvinglarger visible leg veins of 0.8 to 1.4mm in88% of patients in one study.34 Twelve of 26 patients treated with the 940-nm diode laser at fluences of300 to 350 J/cm2, 40- to 70-ms pulse durations, anda 1-mm handpiece demonstrated greater than 75%clearance after 4 weeks.35 A study of 20 patientstreated with a single pass of the 940-nm diode laserat 300 to 350 J/cm2, 40 to 70-ms pulse duration,and a 1-mm spot achieved greater than 75% clearanceof treated blood vessels in 75% of patientsat 12 months of follow-up.

A study of the 980-nm diode used to treat blue legtelangiectases achieved greater than 50% clearanceof treated blood vessels in five of 10 patients.37One patient developed post-treatment hypopigmentation,and one developed telangiectatic matting. Bycombining 980-nm diode pulses with radiofrequencycurrent, lower fluences of 60 J/cm2 could beused for effective vessel clearance (50% of patientsachieved greater than 75% clearance rate at6 months), which may decrease the side-effectprofile.38 Biopsies showed contracted vessels withhyalinization, suggesting that the combineddiode and radiofrequency current therapy is aneffective treatment for leg veins. Combiningthe 915-nm diode with radiofrequency currentdemonstrated greater than 50% vessel clearance in75% of patients.

more info please contact donna@gigaalaser.com


High Power Therapy FAQS

Laser therapy devices being used in the US today range in power output from 5 milliwatts to 15,000 milliwatts. Class 3a lasers are 5 milliwatts, Class 3b range from 5 to 500 milliwatts, and a Class 4 laser is any greater than 500 milliwatts (or half a Watt).

The adjustable power allows for a wide range of treatment protocols. Class 4 laser therapy delivers a therapeutic dosage to a large volume of tissue in a shorter period of time.

How many treatment sessions are necessary?

The number of sessions will depend on the exact diagnosis, age and overall health status of the patient, and other factors. In general, acute conditions can be treated more frequently and require fewer visits, typically 4-6. Chronic conditions may require more visits, and do not need treatment as frequently. The effects of treatments are cumulative.
Patients may experience significant pain relief very quickly – it is important to follow through with care in order to benefit from the biostimulative properties of therapeutic laser light.

Some patients tell that they feel heat even if they are treated with high power Laser emission. Are high power treatments based on thermal effects?
The primary mechanism of laser therapy is photobiomodulation. Mild warming of superficial tissues may enhance circulation and feel soothing; however the stimulation of cells and tissue repair is based on scientific research that has demonstrated positive physiological effects of infrared wavelengths on cellular organelles and electron chain molecules.

I already have ultrasound and electric muscle stimulation machines, why should I get high power therapy laser?
High power therapy laser delivers physiological benefits that no other modality can deliver. By stimulating adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production and enhancing cell membrane permeability (along with other effects) high power therapy actually helps your patient’s injuries heal, rather than just masking the pain. High power therapy is not a thermal treatment; it is bio-stimulatory from photochemical reactions in cellular tissue. 


High Power Therapy FAQS

Laser therapy devices being used in the US today range in power output from 5 milliwatts to 15,000 milliwatts. Class 3a lasers are 5 milliwatts, Class 3b range from 5 to 500 milliwatts, and a Class 4 laser is any greater than 500 milliwatts (or half a Watt).

The adjustable power allows for a wide range of treatment protocols. Class 4 laser therapy delivers a therapeutic dosage to a large volume of tissue in a shorter period of time.

How many treatment sessions are necessary?

The number of sessions will depend on the exact diagnosis, age and overall health status of the patient, and other factors. In general, acute conditions can be treated more frequently and require fewer visits, typically 4-6. Chronic conditions may require more visits, and do not need treatment as frequently. The effects of treatments are cumulative.
Patients may experience significant pain relief very quickly – it is important to follow through with care in order to benefit from the biostimulative properties of therapeutic laser light.

Some patients tell that they feel heat even if they are treated with high power Laser emission. Are high power treatments based on thermal effects?
The primary mechanism of laser therapy is photobiomodulation. Mild warming of superficial tissues may enhance circulation and feel soothing; however the stimulation of cells and tissue repair is based on scientific research that has demonstrated positive physiological effects of infrared wavelengths on cellular organelles and electron chain molecules.

I already have ultrasound and electric muscle stimulation machines, why should I get high power therapy laser?
High power therapy laser delivers physiological benefits that no other modality can deliver. By stimulating adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production and enhancing cell membrane permeability (along with other effects) high power therapy actually helps your patient’s injuries heal, rather than just masking the pain. High power therapy is not a thermal treatment; it is bio-stimulatory from photochemical reactions in cellular tissue. 


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

As the year draws to a close, our thoughts turn gratefully to our customers and freinds. We do glad to cooperate with you and do hope to keep long cooperation with you.

Wish you and your loved ones, Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.


VELAS Pro Gynecology Laser

Welcome To Visit Gigaa Laser At IDS 2015

Welcome To Visit Gigaa Laser At IDS 2015.

The 36th International Dental Show(IDS) will be held at Cologne Exhibition Centre, we are looking forward to meet you during IDS 2015, please visit our booth at Hall 2.2 C-072.
Come and see our modern dental laser solutions.


Physical Therapy Benefits For Back Pain

After an episode of low back pain has lasted between two and six weeks, or if there are frequent recurrences of low back pain, physical therapy is often recommended. Some spine specialists consider physical therapy sooner, particularly if the pain is severe.

In general, the goals of physical therapy are to decrease pain, increase function, and provide education on a maintenance program to prevent further recurrences.

A physical therapy program for back pain usually has two components:
  1. Passive physical therapy to help reduce the patient's pain to a more manageable level
  2. Active exercises

welcome to contact donna@gigaalaser.com to get more info

Diode Laser cut the Skin Mass




1900um Laser


  • incision of the bladder neck      
  • treatment of bladder tomors
  • partial kidney resection
  • condyloma                                                            
  • kidney tumors
  • Airway recanalization      
  • coagulation of tissue
  • Benign and malignant malformations
  • Exposure and removal of endobronchial stents that have grown in                
  • endometriosis                                            
  • portioectopy                                           
  • excision of polypes and tumors             
  • division of adhesions
  • Nasal concha hyperplasia
  • tumor excision
  • tonsillectomy
  • oral surgery
  • general laparoscopy operations
  • partial liver resection
  • excision of lung tumors


Laser Physical Therapy


Laser treatment for toenail fungus

An infrared pulsed laser was used to irradiate toenails with visible signs of bacterial/fungal infections. Seventeen subjects with both great toes involved were recruited in a podiatric private practice. Toes were randomized to receive either a single treatment or no treatment. The treatment was tolerated by all subjects without anesthesia and there were no occurrences of serious adverse effects. Eleven out of 14 (79%) treated toesimproved. Improvement ranged from 2.1 to 6.1 mm over 90 days following a single treatment. There was a highly significant difference (p

Keywords: Laser, onychomycosis, toenail fungus.

Wlecome to contact donna@gigaalaser.com to get more info

532nm Facial Spider Vein Removal Laser

3W, 532nm green laser, ideal for facial spider vein removal

welcome to contact donna@gigaalaser.com to get more info

Medica Fair 2014 in Germany



Clinical Application:
Gbox15B diode laser for equine tendinitis therapy from GIGAALASER

Clinic Explanation:
Equine tendinitis is inflammation of a tendon. It is usually involves disruption of the tender fibers. Excessive strain on a tendon can damage its collagen fibers.
Tendinitis is commonly recognized in racing horses. Laser therapy is to decrease inflammation and swelling, promote restoration of normal tendon structure and function as soon as possible. 

Related Keywords:
Equine, laser, tendinitis

Medical device:
Cheese15W, 980nm
Mode: CW mode
Operation power: 8-12W

VET handpiece

Operation procedure:
  1. Diagnosis: detection of the lesion in the SDFT (superficial digital flexor tendon) by ultrasonography
  2. Keep the equine in standing and quiet condition
  3. Connecting the handpiece with device, starting device and setting parameters.
  4. Wearing the safety goggles, focus the VET handpiece and irradiate injured tendon. The irradiation time is suggested in 5-10 mins.
  5. Irradiation the lesion once a day and for ten days.

for more info, please contact donna@gigaalaser.com

Gigaa Surgical Laser

Gigaa Laser is one of the leading manufacturer of medical didoe laser in China since 2005. They provide high quality diode laser for different soft tissue surgical treatment.


laser onychomycosis treatment time

The treatment outcome can be reached by a single or double session, but it depends on the severity of the fungal infection.
The outcome, the growth of new clear nail structures is therefore not immediately visible.
Nevertheless, in about 8 weeks after the initial treatment the first new formed clear nail structures are discernible. If this is not the case, an additional treatment could be implemented.
A 3rd treatment (ca. 8 weeks after the 2nd treatment) could be necessary if the fungal infection is very definitive. The ultimate result should be visible in 9 month till one year.



Gbox10F Plantar Warts Removal Laser


Clinical Application:
Gbox10F (10W, 1064nm) podiatry diode laser from GIGAALASER

Related Keywords:
Plantar Warts, onychomycosis, podiatry

Medical device:
Gbox10F podiatry diode laser, and the suggested treatment parameters as below,
Power: 5W-8W
Working mode: pulse mode
T-on: 100ms   T-off: 220ms

Focus handpiece or fiber & surgical handpiece

Operation procedure:
1.    Clean the skin before applying anesthetic. Mark the target area.
2.    Anesthetic
3.    Remove the convex upper part by the knife.
4.    Open the device and set the treatment parameters.
5.    Wear safety goggles and press the foot switch to emitting laser energy to the plantar warts. Using the laser energy to irradiate the warts. Scrape away the loose tissue during the laser treatment.

Ø  Use non-stick dressing after the treatment.
Ø  Keep the treated area clean until it healing complete.
Ø  More than 1 treatment is often required.
Ø  Typically treatment should be spaced about 3-4 weeks.

Ø  Contraindications for this treatment are: pregnant and skin cancer



As every year GIGAALASER will exhibit at MEDICA in Düsseldorf. The fair takes place from November 12-15, 2014. You'll find us in Hall 16 Stand no. A12.

We would be very pleased to have the opportunity to meet you there, to show you our new products and to discuss for a future cooperation.
If you wish to make an appointment for a meeting, please write to info@gigaalaser.com day and time you would like to meet us.
Thanks in advance. Hoping to see you in Düsseldorf we remain with Best Regards.



1064nm nail fungus laser treatment

The treatment outcome can be reached by a single or double session, but it depends on the severity of the fungal infection. The outcome, the growth of new clear nail structures is therefore not immediately visible. Nevertheless, in about 8 weeks after the initial treatment the  first  new  formed  clear  nail  structures  are  discernible.  If  this  is  not  the  case,  an additional treatment could be implemented. A 3rd treatment (ca. 8  weeks after the 2nd treatment) could be necessary if the fungal infection is very definitive. The ultimate result should be visible in 9 month till one year.

Treatment Parameter
The duration of the treatment depends on the size of the toenails, the laser settings and the speed of the movement. The laser beam should continuously (ca. 2 mm/s) guided over  the  nail  bed,  so  that  the  complete  nail  (nail  plate,  nail  wall  and  eponychium)  is repeatedly irradiated reticular or spiral-shaped.Due  to  the  applied  total  energy  there  has  to  be  a  notable  warming  perceptible.  The treatment could be temporary (about 5 seconds) paused, if the patient feels a heating pain before the necessary total energy is reached. After each treated nail the automatic pulse countershould be reset by a singular touch.


How 1064nm Wavelength Treat Nail Fungus?

The  1064nm  provide  safe,  fast  and  effective  way  to  manage  toenail  fungus  or onychomycosis as it is known in the medical world. This wavelength laser is the latest and one  of  the  most  effective ways  to  treat  this  unsightly  condition.  Unlike  other  treatment options there are no known side effects.The ability of the 1064 laser energy to gently heat the nail bed makes it ideal for the safeand effective desired result of nail clearing. The effects of 1064 nanometer laser energy on nail fungi are two fold and understood in relation to cellular chemical reactions within fungal cells that are necessary for fungal growth and survival. The  photo-thermal  effect  changes  cellular  metabolism  and  at  increased  temperature (42°C),  cell  components  are  damaged  and  metabolism  is  altered.  Clinicians  report  a photo-chemical effect that further compromises fungal cell enzymes and proteins. Lipids in cell me mbranes are changed in structure and their function of protecting and regulating the  internal  environment  of  the  cell  becomes  further  compromised  resulting  in  fungal death and nail clearance.


1064nm nail fungus laser treatment



Veterianry Therapy Laser

Cheese10W, Gbox15W, VELAS30W



Onychomycosis Laser

Gbox10F (10W, 1064nm) diode laser
Gbox15B (15W, 980nm) diode laser

Onychomycosis Therapy Laser

Onychomycosis laser treatment


Acne Laser Treatment




1064nm Nail Fungus Laser Treatment Parameters

The following nail fungus treatment parameters is suggested by our Australia customer:

Generally I have 3 different settings that I use for mycotic infections.

500j @10w 10ms on / 5ms off (this yields the best results but a lot of patients cannot tolerate the heat)
500j @10w 10ms on/10ms off (this setting I use if patients get to about 200j with 10/5ms setting and find it too hot)
500j @10w 10ms on/20ms off (I try not to use this protocol as it doesn’t produce enough heat on the nail bed. Ideally the nail bed should get quite hot to eliminate the fungal colony)

Lesser Digits
250j @ 10w as per above settings.
When applying the laser you should move the beam continuously and not focus it on a point for too long otherwise you will pulse stack the area and it will get hot. Be aware that if the patient says the toe has got hot and you stop, once you restart it will get hotter sooner. The 1064nm wavelength will be absorbed by darker colours such as black and brown so do not focus on these areas for too long. Try it on yourself to gauge what the patient will feel.
You should try to keep some thickness to the nail so that it retains heat while applying the laser beam (think of a double brick cavity wall). Generally do the routine treatment after you have lased the nail/s. Photograph the toenail before treatment to compare later. I generally suggest a further laser treatment @ 12 weeks. For 2 weeks post laser treatment I get patients to spray their toenails with 2% terbafine anti-fungal spray. Get them also to wash all of their stockings or socks in a hot water wash to kill fungal spores.
For soft tissue therapy I generally apply 4500-6000j with spot size 30mm on continuous waveform.


Gbox10F 1064nm Nail Fungus Laser




Laser foot & ankle therapy

Calculating laser therapy treatment parameters

Power and energy are closely related. Power is the rate at which energy is delivered, not an amount of energy itself.

Power = Energy / Time        1 Watt = 1 Joule / Second        
Terapeutic Energy = Power (Watts) or Joules/sec x Time (sec).

Power Density
Power density or Irradiance refers to the amount of power delivered per unit area.
Power density indicates the degree of concentration of the laser output
It is expressed in Watts per square centimeter (W/cm2), or miliWatts per square centimeter (mW/cm2)
Some studies have concluded that the power density may be of even greater signifcance than the dose.
Example:  A laser’s output is 4 Watts, and it is illuminating a circle of 3 centimeter diameter. 
First fnd the area of the circle, 3.14 x 1.5 x 1.5 = 7 cm2. 
Then divide the power by the area, 4W / 7cm2 = 0.6 W/cm2.

Formula:   Irradiance (PD) = W/cm2

Energy Density(ED) / (Fluence)
The energy density expresses the total amount of energy delivered per unit area, in Joules per square centimeter (J/cm2).
Te energy is measured in Joules, and is calculated by multiplying the power output of the laser times the amount of time elapsed during the laser treatment.
Example:  A 4 Watt continuous wave laser would deliver 240 Joules in one minute. (4 Watts x 60 seconds = 240 Joules)  Ten simply divide the total energy by the area to arrive at the energy density in Joules per    centimeter squared.
Formula:   Fluence (ED) = Power x Exposure Time, measured in Joules/cm2 (Watts x Seconds)

key:The amount of energy delivered, determines the magnitude of the laser interaction within the tissues and the individual cells



Class IV laser Therapy

Laser Acupuncture (Needleless Acupuncture)

Laser Acupuncture relies upon similar dosage principles as needling, and knowledge of acupuncture theory and practice is required.  There are two approaches; frst the Precise Approach; and second the General Approach. 
1. Te Precise Approach uses the laser with great fnesse to efect stimulation of the precise acupuncture points. Some believe that lower dosages will “tonify” the acupuncture points, while higher dosages will “sedate” the acupuncture points. 
2. Te General Approach uses the laser to stimulate the acupuncture points and the surrounding area of the acupuncture point. Active acupuncture points are typically painful upon palpation. Te application of laser therapy has proven to be efective at “releasing” the acupuncture point, and reducing pain


Gbox Diode Laser Using Method


Summary of Laser Therapy Treatment Techniques

Wand Position:Perpendicular to treatment area, usually directly on the skin.

Treatment Area: Area that includes at least 1-2 inches of healthy tissue outside the targeted area.

Treatment Rate: Move wand at a rate of 1” per second. You may increase rate if patient experiences thermal sensitivity.

Treatment Frequency: Acute: daily.  Chronic: every other day: 3 times/week.

Treatment Duration: Refer to treatment protocol chart.

Dosage: Refer to treatment protocol chart.

Areas Requiring Deeper PenetrationWand Position: Perpendicular to treatment area, place wand on the skin.Areas Requiring Superfcial PenetrationWand Position: Perpendicular to treatment area, 1 -2 inches from the skin.

Regions: Fingers, Toes and over open wounds.

Pulsed application is used to custom tailor beam quality to ft the patient’s condition, (acute/chronic), comfort level, as well as technique of application. Cryo-therapy is strongly advised for continuous laser applications above 35 watts and for all pulsed applications over 25 watts


Efect of Laser Spot Size on Tissue Distribution of Light Energy

A beam of light incident on tissue may be:
• Refected
• Absorbed
• Scattered

Scattering in tissue broadens the incident beam, decreasing the efective fuence in the intended target area.For efective penetration, light needs to avoid scattering and surface absorption.Doubling the spot size will increase the efective volume by a factor of eight.A larger spot size usually enables faster and more efective treatment in dermatologic applications such as treatment of vascular lesions, laser hair removal, etc.However, more photons must be supplied by more complex and expensive power supplies, components, and delivery devices. As a general rule, doubling the spot size and halving the fuence will yield an equivalent efective fuence at a given depth. Tis efect becomes more pronounced with increasing depth.

Indication for laser therapy

Infammatory Conditions
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Muscle Spasms
Plantar Fasciitis
Primary Diagnosis Pain
Radicular Pain 
Restricted Rom / Stifness
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Pain Management
Cervical/Neck Pain
Low Back Pain
Muscle Spasms
Myofascial Pain
Primary Diagnosis Pain
Restricted ROM / Stifness

Connective Tissue Injury / Disorders
Muscle Spasms
Primary Diagnosis Pain
Radicular Pain
Restricted Rom / Stifness
Tendon Ruptures

Muscle Injury / Disorders
Muscle Bruises, Contusions
Muscle Contractures
Muscle Ruptures
Muscle Spasms
Primary Diagnosis Pain In Joint
Restricted ROM / Stifness

Joint Injuries / Disorders
Efusion Of Joint
Ligament Injury
Primary Diagnosis Pain In Joint
Restricted Rom / Stifness
TM Disorders

Neurological Injury / Disorders
Crush Injuries
Decreased Rom / Stifness
Muscle Spasms
Primary Diagnosis
Prolapsed Disk
Radicular Pain
Ruptured Disk

Skin Injuries / Conditions
Primary Diagnosis Pain In Joint
Restricted Rom / Stifness
Skin Grafs
Skin Ulcers
Surgical Incisions