
810nm Vocal Cord Polyp Laser

Clinical Application:
VELAS30B diode laser for vocal cord polyp treatment from GIGAALASER

Clinic Explanation:
Vocal cord polyp is a noncancerous, blister-like growth on the vocal cord. The polyps appear as swollen areas, stalk-shaped growths, or lesions resembling blisters. The primary cause of polyps is voice abuse.
Laser surgery is the most effectively method for vocal cord polyp. It is very safe and can excises the polyp with less pain and blood.

Related Keywords:
Vocal cord polyp, laser surgery

Medical device:
Mode: CW mode
Operation power: 5-12W

400um fiber, fibrolaryngoscope

Operation procedure:
  1. Anesthesia: local anesthesia.
  2. Insert the fibrolaryngoscope through nasal cavity, take partial lesions for pathological examination by biopsy forceps
  3. Insert the fiber to fibrolaryngoscope by biopsy hole, observing the lesion by fibrolaryngoscope and keep the fiber tip have 2-5mm length to the lesion
  4. Wearing the safety goggles and setting parameters.
  5. Focus the laser to the lesion with 5-12W power to vaporize the lesion until it be completely vaporized
  1. Provide clear vision for doctor during the operation, shorten the operation time
  2. More precision and safety
  3. No harm to the normal tissue when excises the lesion
  4. Less blood and pain during and after the operation
  5. Enable the patients quickly back to daily life
* Gargle with physiological saline before operation
* Avoid excessive eating before the operation just in case nausea and vomiting occur during the operation which will affect the treatment
* No talking or whispery speaking within 15 days after operation to prevent the infection of
upper respiratory tract
* Atomization and antibiotics are suggested to use after the operation

810nm Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy Treatment

810nm Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy Treatment
Clinical Application:

VELAS30A diode laser for inferior turbinate hypertrophy treatment from GIGAALASER

Clinic Explanation:

The turbinates are normal tissue in the nose that humidifies and warms the air we breathe. The primary issue people experience with their turbinates is inferior turbinate hypertrophy (enlarged turbinates). It can be caused by allergies, chronic sinus inflammation, or environmental irritants.

810nm diode laser be seemed as the ideal device for inferior turbinates ablation. With a very good absorption of hemoglobin and ideal coagulation performance, it offers simple, less bleeding and pain operation.

Related Keywords:

Turbinates, inferior turbinates hypertrophy, laser surgery

Medical device:


Mode: CW mode

Operation power: 10-15W


400um fiber, nasal endoscope, ENT set

Operation procedure:

    Anesthesia: local anesthesia
    Connecting the accessories, then opening the device and setting parameters.
    Inset the fiber to inferior through the nasal endoscope
    Wearing the safety goggles. Under the guidance of nasal endoscope, first vaporize the lesion from the front-end lower edge of inferior turbinates. Ablation from the front-end lower edge, then along with the facies ossea to back-end.And then vaporize the back-end lower edge of the inferior turbinates. When vaporize the back-end lower edge, using an ENT handpiece


    Easy operation, shorten the operation time
    More precision and safety
    No bleeding during the operation and no post-operative bleeding
    Do not need post-operative nasal packing
    No harm to surrounding normal tissue and no complaints
    Minimally invasive surgery, enable the patients quickly back to daily life


* The suggested power is about 13-15W and the total energy is about 3000-4500J. But the actual value should base on patients’ age, lesion etc

* Do not focus the laser on one spot for a long time in case deep tissue necroses

* Please do not blow your nose after the operation

* Drinking more water and avoid spicy food


CHEESE 810nm diode laser for dental bleaching from GIGAALASER

Operation procedure:
1.      Connect the bleaching handpiece with device. The distence of the beaching handpiece was adjusted to achieve a fixed beam diameter of 6mm.
2.      The gel will be applied to all the teeth, if necessary apply also coffer dam for protection of the gum and irradiated with 15-25 seconds.
3.      Bleaching handpiece will treat about 4-5 teeth once, so you need to do it many times to complete all the teeth. Wait 1 minute after treating all the teeth first time then do it again for another three times..
4.      The gel will be wiped off after treatment and the color is checked. Repreat this procedure until the color is satisficed.
When applied in vivo, this laser treatment protocol excluded thermal damage to the pulp and discomfort to the patient.
The bleaching treatment does leed to lasting hyper sensiticities but doctors should pay attention to the feeling of patients


Root Canal Disinfection

Clinical Explanation: 
Root canal is the space within the root of a tooth. It is part of a naturally occurring space within a tooth that consists of the pulp chamber (within the coronal part of the tooth), the main canals, and more intricate anatomical branches that may connect the root canals to each other or to the surface of the root. When the root canal system is disinfected, the long-term stability of a tooth is increased.

Related Key-words:
root canal disinfection,CHEESE 7W diode laser,400um bare fiber

Medical device: CHEESE 7W 980nm (output power 1w-2.5w,CW)

Accessories:400um bare fiber,dental surgery handpiece with tips

Settings: CHESE 7W dental diode laser sets to 150MJ,10HZ, for 20 seconds of exposure per canal.

Clinical tip
After the working length has been measured and verified via conventional methods, the laser fiber or dental handpiece tip is placed between 1 and 2 mm short of the canal apex because the laser energy emanates beyond the end of the tip. The canal must be kept moist at all times to avoid charring of the dentinal walls and to enhance the bactericidal effects of the laser energy. Conventional root canal irrigants can be used.



Medical device:

CHEESE 7W       810nm or 980nm
CHEESE 4W       810nm or 980nm
CHEESE 2.5W    810nm or 980nm
200um bare strippable fiber
400um bare strippable fiber

Introduction and Operation procedure:

Many diodes have a strippable fiber that each time after you use it, you must remove of the insulation ( strip the fiber), as well as cut it clean and sharp (cleave the fiber). This strippable fiber is economical, and available in 200 micron (endo) and 400 micron (surgical diode dentistry) sizes for all CHEESE lasers from GIGAA LASER.

However the question is how to initiate those strippable fibers?

The process of initiating the tip will concentrate the laser energy in the tip essentially making it a “hot tip”. The monochromatic laser light is turned into heat and hence this process is called a photothermal reaction. The process of ablation or vaporization requires the tip of the diode laser to be initiated.

The process of initiation traps almost all of the energy in a very small zone ( likely 20-40 micron layer) and the tip can heat up to 1500 Celsius in just a few couple of seconds. Care must be taken with these temperatures to not “melt” the tip, so lower energies will yield better ablation of the tissue if proper initiation of tip is accomplished. Starting with a setting of 0.8-1.0 continuous wave after initiation of the tip is a nice starting point for many procedures to minimize the collateral thermal damage that can occur.

The initiation material will be better as articulating paper

1. Select the fiber you need,200um or 400um bare fiber
2. Set the laser to CW 1.0W
3. Touch the tip to the articulating paper first then step on foot pedal for ONE second.
4. Repeat 8 times or more.
5. Touch initiated tip to tissue holding tip stationary and look for signs of ablation
6. Begin procedure or reinitiate tip if needed on the articulating paper.


Increase the power when you do not get initiation tip.


EXPOMED Istanbul 2013

20th EXPOMED Istanbul 2013|4-7 April, 2013
EXPOMED 2013 will be held in Turkey from April 4 to April 7, please visit GIGAALASER at Hall 11 B22.
Date: 4/4/2013 - 4/7/2013
Venue: Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center, Istanbul, Turkey


GBOX 980nm Diode Laser for ENT Treatment from GIGAALASER

Clinical Application:
GBOX 980nm diode laser for ENT treatment from GIGAALASER

Clinic Explanation:
Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is a surgical procedure to restore the flow of tears into the nose from the lacrimal sac when the nasolacrimal duct does not function.

Related Keywords:
DCR, lacrimal surgery, minimal invasive surgery, silicone stent intubation, transnasal approach

Medical device:
Gbox15w 980nm, 10-15w repeat pulse mode

400um fiber, ENT handpiece set

Operation procedure:
1. A complete ophthalmic examination and general anesthesia.
2. Used a Gbox 980nm diode laser, in repeat pulse mode. The laser settings were power 10w, pulse length 90ms, pause between pulses 50ms. And wearing safety goggles connect the fiber with device, then pass through the ENT handpiece with fibers.
3. Performed an infraction of the middle nasal concha in cases of limited view. Osteotomy was achieved by applying laser energy via an optic fiber and inserted into the lacrimal sac.
4. The size of osteotomy was controlled through the nasal endoscope. Once an opening of at least 5mm in diameter has been achieved, application of laser energy ceased.

1. The swelling resolved fast ( in a day or two).
2. 980nm laser short the procedure time, short the recovery time, decrease complication rate, avoid surgical skin and mucosal scars, and make the procedure possible on an outpatient basis.

1. Irrigation with 0.9% saline solution of the endocanalicular probe was used to prevent overheating of the probe.
2. Tamponade of the nasal cavity was performed in cases of bleeding from the mucosa.

What is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is a type of disease that affects one or more of the periodontal tissues:
  1. alveolar bone
  2. periodontal ligament
  3. cementum
  4. gingiva
While many different diseases affect the tooth-supporting structures, plaque-induced inflammatory lesions make up the vast majority of periodontal diseases[1] and have traditionally been divided into two categories:
  1. gingivitis or
  2. periodontitis.
While in some sites or individuals, gingivitis never progresses to periodontitis,data indicates that gingivitis always precedes periodontitis.

Cheese Mini Dental Diode Laser system provide the optimum solutions for periodontal disease treatment


VET Therapy

Clinical Application:
GBOX 810nm diode laser for wound healing from GIGAALASER
Clinic Explanation:
Laser therapy heals woulds using low-density and high-density lasers,place over the wounded area and the photon
energy spurts lights to promote healing process
Related Keywords:
Wound healing, blood flow, skin ulcers
Medical device:
GBOX15W 810nm
2w----pulse 30/20
Vet therapy handpiece set
Operation procedure:
1.clean the wound and antisepsis
2.Connect the therapy handpiece with device, distance 1-2cm.irradiation with move style on the injuries until the tissue
become coagulation and stop bleeding
*the device with small body easy to operation
*no invisation for tissue,no much pain
*recovery fast,not affect the daily work.

The treatment is Not one-time procedure,the patients must return eight to 30 times depending on the severity of the
wound. Usually they need to visite the doctor two or four times a week until the wound is healed.


810nm Leg Vein Telangiectasia

Clinic Explanation:
Leg vein telangiectasia, are very small reddish blue venules located in the skin which have enlarged and become visible. Traditional surgery methods are invasive and may not achieve good performance for some fine caliber vessels.
Laser therapy is ideal for spider veins. And the 810nm diode lasers are considered the most efficient light sources available and are particularly well suited for clinical applications. It works by delivering pulses of light energy which cause the blood within the vein to coagulate, eventually destroying the vessel which is later reabsorbed by your body. Then the enlarged capillary vessel will disappear and spider veins will be effectively removed.

Related Keywords:
Leg vein telangiectasia, spider vein, laser therapy

Medical device:
VELAS30W 810nm
Operation power: 15-18W
Mode: pulse, T-on: 40-70ms, T-off: 400-600ms

Focus handpiece, cooling gel

Operation procedure:
  1. If hair is present, please shave the treatment area immediately before beginning the laser treatment. As the hair will absorb the laser energy and burn, causing discomfort.
  2. It is not necessary to use anesthesia. Sensitive patients can use EMLA
  3. Connect the handpiece with device, turn on the device and setting parameters. (PS: the suggested energy density is about 300-500J/cm2)
  4. Wearing laser safety goggle, gently touch the skin with focus handpiece but not to apply pressure. Treading the footswitch, the laser irradiates the vascular lesion. Irradiating with low energy at first and observing the reaction of the lesion. The best treatment result is there are have white spots occurs in local tissue and the vessel shrinked.
  5. After the treatment, coating the cooling gel for 20 minutes to decrease thermal damage.
  1. Non-invasive procedure, no scar
  2. Easy and safe operation. At 810nm wavelength there is less energy absorbed by the      competing chromophore (melanin) than when shorter wavelengths are used. This can reduce side effects caused by interaction with the melanin in the epidermis.
  3. More effectively. 810nm wavelength penetrates deeper into the skin than most other systems and thus may be more effective at reaching the target area.
  4. No blood and pain
1. Vessels between 0.4 mm and 1 mm in diameter have been shown to respond best to 810nm laser treatment
2. It is necessary to adjust the spot size, pulse duration and energy density according to patients’ age, gender, skin color and lesion during the operation.
3. Three times treatments are recommended for best results. And it would be better that each treatment have 4 weeks interval
4. Patients should avoid sun exposure for six weeks before treatment
5. Patients with tans are not suggested to do the treatment


Clinical Application:
VELAS30B diode laser for vocal cord polyp treatment from GIGAALASER

Clinic Explanation:
Vocal cord polyp is a noncancerous, blister-like growth on the vocal cord. The polyps appear as swollen areas, stalk-shaped growths, or lesions resembling blisters. The primary cause of polyps is voice abuse.
Laser surgery is the most effectively method for vocal cord polyp. It is very safe and can excises the polyp with less pain and blood.

Related Keywords:
Vocal cord polyp, laser surgery

Medical device:
Mode: CW mode
Operation power: 5-12W

400um fiber, fibrolaryngoscope

Operation procedure:
  1. Anesthesia: local anesthesia.
  2. Insert the fibrolaryngoscope through nasal cavity, take partial lesions for pathological examination by biopsy forceps
  3. Insert the fiber to fibrolaryngoscope by biopsy hole, observing the lesion by fibrolaryngoscope and keep the fiber tip have 2-5mm length to the lesion
  4. Wearing the safety goggles and setting parameters.
  5. Focus the laser to the lesion with 5-12W power to vaporize the lesion until it be completely vaporized
  1. Provide clear vision for doctor during the operation, shorten the operation time
  2. More precision and safety
  3. No harm to the normal tissue when excises the lesion
  4. Less blood and pain during and after the operation
  5. Enable the patients quickly back to daily life
* Gargle with physiological saline before operation
* Avoid excessive eating before the operation just in case nausea and vomiting occur during the operation which will affect the treatment
* No talking or whispery speaking within 15 days after operation to prevent the infection of
upper respiratory tract
* Atomization and antibiotics are suggested to use after the operation



Gbox15B diode laser for dog tonsil excision from GIGAALASER
Clinic Explanation:
Tonsillitis and tonsilar carcinoma is most frequently seen in small canine breeds. Tonsillectomy is removing the tonsils from either side of the tonsillar fossa. The procedure is performed in response to repeated occurrence of acute tonsillitis and tonsilar carcinoma.
Related Keywords:
Medical device:
Cheese15W, 980nm
Mode: CW mode
Operation power: 8-12w
400um fiber, ENT handpiece
Operation procedure:
1.      Anesthesia: local anesthesia.
2.      Grasping the tonsil by tissue forceps and completely everting it from its crypt.
3.      Packing the surgical area with sterilized gauze sponges to protecting adjacent tissues and endotracheal tube.
4.      Connecting the handpiece with device, starting device and setting parameters.
5.      Wearing the safety goggles, perpendicular focus the laser to the tissue which on the medial aspect of the forceps and beginning to excising the tonsil.
* Excision tonsil more quickly, less pain and blood during the operation
* Minimally invasive operation, safer.
* No sequela, no blood and less pain after the operation.
* Examination the pet’s health condition before the operation
* The laser excision time is decided by the dimension of tonsil and it is suggested in 15-20 minutes.
* Feed the pet with liquid food for 3 days after the operation.



Clinical Application:
Clinic Explanation:
Ethmoid hematoma is a progressive and locally destructive disease of horses. It is indicated by a mass in the paranasal sinuses that resembles a tumor but is not neoplastic by any means. Most common clinical signs of the disease include a mild, intermittent nose bleed from one nostril. If the mass is large it may cause abnormal respiratory noise and can occasionally cause malodorous breath. 
Treatment consists of removing the mass and the tissue of origin. 
Related Keywords:
Equine laser treatment, ethmoid hematoma, mass ablation
Medical device:
Gbox15w 810nm
Operation power: 10-15w
Mode: CW
400um fiber, endoscope
Operation procedure:
1.      Diagnosis. Definitive diagnosis can be made with a biopsy and a tentative diagnosis can be made using upper airway endoscopy.
2.      Anesthesia. General anesthesia for sinus bone flap.
3.      Connect the handpiece with device, starting device and setting parameters.
4.      Under the help of trephine hole, make the endoscope and laser advanced to reach aspects of a mass inaccessible via the nasal passage.
5.      Wearing laser safety goggle, ablating the mass. Positioning the tip of the optical fiber 5 to 10 mm from the lesion and using laser energy to coagulation it.
6.      Packing of the nasal cavity after resection is recommended
7.      In some cases, the treatment may be need done many times. A 7-day interval is recommended between treatments.
Increased accuracy of lesion excision reduced surgical morbidity and convalescent time, and improved overall outcome of treatment
* Please keep the horse standing and sedated during the operation.
* Horses should be rested for 30 days after the treatment and slowly reintroduced to previous exercise.
* Perioperative antibiotics and NSAID therapy is recommended


Gingival Enlargement

Clinical Application: Cosmetic gingival contouring

Clinical Explanation: Gingival shape refers to curvature of the gingival margin of the
tooth. The gingival zenith of the maxillary lateral incisors and the mandibular incisors
should conincide with their longitudinal axis. Gingival contour,as compared with gingival
shape, refers to a more 3-dimensional description of gingival topography. Ideal gingival
contour is characterized by sharp interdental papillae and equally tapered gingival
margins at the cervical margin of the teeth.

Related Key-words: gingival contour,diode laser,200um bare fiber
Medical device: CHEESE 4W 980nm (output power 2.5w-3w,CW,pulse)

Accessories:200um bare fiber,dental surgery handpiece with tips

Operation procedure: Soft tissue reacts differently to CHEESE 4W diode laser than to a scalpel. CHEESE 4W can deliver energy in either a continuous or a pulsed mode. In the continuous mode, the tissues tend to absorb more energy, resulting in greater heat. The pulsed mode permits intermittent cooling between pulses of energy. Because the amount of heat generated during the procedure translates directly into the amount of collateral damage---and thus postoperative discomfort---it is generally recommended that the laser be used at a lower
setting and in the pulse mode for soft tissue procedures.

Patients were managed using CHEESE 4W with wavelength of 980nm,CW or pulse ,
2.5W-3W, 200um bare fiber, one tips on dental surgery handpiece.

CHEESE 4W diode laser is manageable size,lower cost and ability to cauterize while
cutting and it generally requires only topical anesthesia. Meanwhile,its wavelength does
not approximate the absorption coefficient of bone or enamel.

Before surgery,cleaning the oral parts and avoid any inflammation


Gigaa OEM Policy

We can supply product in OEM way as followed:

  • Put your logo at the case and software, by this way, please send us your logo in electric version.
  • Supply product assembles or unassembled as your requirement.
  • Supply product with or without case as your requirement.
  • Change the software as your requirement, but need to pay the design charge.
  • Redesign the case as your requirement, but need to pay the redesign charge.
  • Design and develop new machine for you as your requirement at basis of large quantity, but need to pay the design charge.
  • Make package as your requirement.
  • Finish inspection according CE or other requirement, and supply inspection report as your requirement.
  • Keep all the information you supplied confidential to the third party.

Any intent or question about the OEM business, please contact:

810nm Leg vein telangiectasia treatment

Clinic Explanation:
Leg vein telangiectasia, are very small reddish blue venules located in the skin which have enlarged and become visible. Traditional surgery methods are invasive and may not achieve good performance for some fine caliber vessels.
Related Keywords:
Leg vein telangiectasia, spider vein, laser therapy
Medical device:
VELAS30W 810nm
Operation power: 15-18W
Mode: pulse, T-on: 40-70ms, T-off: 400-600ms
Focus handpiece, cooling gel
Operation procedure:
1.      If hair is present, please shave the treatment area immediately before beginning the laser treatment. As the hair will absorb the laser energy and burn, causing discomfort.
2.      It is not necessary to use anesthesia. Sensitive patients can use EMLA
3.      Connect the handpiece with device, turn on the device and setting parameters. (PS: the suggested energy density is about 300-500J/cm2)
4.      Wearing laser safety goggle, gently touch the skin with focus handpiece but not to apply pressure. Treading the footswitch, the laser irradiates the vascular lesion. Irradiating with low energy at first and observing the reaction of the lesion. The best treatment result is there are have white spots occurs in local tissue and the vessel shrinked.
5.      After the treatment, coating the cooling gel for 20 minutes to decrease thermal damage.
1.        Non-invasive procedure, no scar
2.      Easy and safe operation. At 810nm wavelength there is less energy absorbed by the      competing chromophore (melanin) than when shorter wavelengths are used. This can reduce side effects caused by interaction with the melanin in the epidermis.
3.      More effectively. 810nm wavelength penetrates deeper into the skin than most other systems and thus may be more effective at reaching the target area.
4.      No blood and pain
l         Vessels between 0.4 mm and 1 mm in diameter have been shown to respond best to
810nm laser treatment
l         It is necessary to adjust the spot size, pulse duration and energy density according to patients’ age, gender, skin color and lesion during the operation.
l         Three times treatments are recommended for best results. And it would be better that each treatment have 4 weeks interval
l         Patients should avoid sun exposure for six weeks before treatment
l         Patients with tans are not suggested to do the treatment

VELAS30B diode laser for vocal cord polyp treatment from GIGAALASER

Laser surgery is the most effectively method for vocal cord polyp. It is very safe and can excises the polyp with less pain and blood.
Related Keywords:
Medical device:
Mode: CW mode
Operation power: 5-12W
400um fiber, fibrolaryngoscope
Operation procedure:
1.      Anesthesia: local anesthesia.
2.      Insert the fibrolaryngoscope through nasal cavity, take partial lesions for pathological examination by biopsy forceps
3.      Insert the fiber to fibrolaryngoscope by biopsy hole, observing the lesion by fibrolaryngoscope and keep the fiber tip have 2-5mm length to the lesion
4.      Wearing the safety goggles and setting parameters.
5.      Focus the laser to the lesion with 5-12W power to vaporize the lesion until it be completely vaporized
1.      Provide clear vision for doctor during the operation, shorten the operation time
2.      More precision and safety
3.      No harm to the normal tissue when excises the lesion
4.      Less blood and pain during and after the operation
5.      Enable the patients quickly back to daily life
* Gargle with physiological saline before operation
* Avoid excessive eating before the operation just in case nausea and vomiting occur during the operation which will affect the treatment
* No talking or whispery speaking within 15 days after operation to prevent the infection of
upper respiratory tract
* Atomization and antibiotics are suggested to use after the operation