
VELAS30B (30W, 980nm) for equine surgery

Powerful was 15 wts. Starting with 12 and 13 but the cutting were too much slow. No blooding.
Power continuous.
Total energy in Jules 17.000 in the first case, a bit less than 14.000 in the second (in this case the horse was very quite and the process was shorter).
We thought that with perhaps 20 wats. the cutting process would be faster...



Diode Laser for Epiduroscopy Treatment

VELAS30B(30W, 980nm)
Power: 6W
Ton 1sn, Toff 2sn
Total 660j.
Result: great :)

Welcome to contact donna@gigaalaser.com to get more information


High power laser therapy versus ultrasound therapy

The aim of the study is to evaluate the short-term effectiveness of HILT (High Intensity Laser Therapy) versus ultrasound therapy .
Study type
The study was conducted as a randomized clinical trial in a university hospital.
The study involved 70 patients with SAIS (Subacromial impingement syndrome) who were randomly assigned to HILT or US therapy treatments.
Study program
Participants received 10 treatment sessions of HILT and ultrasound therapy for a period of two weeks.
Measurement method
The results were determined in Constant Murley Scale (CMS), Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and the Simple Shoulder Test (SST).
In the study group were 42 women and 28 men with the average age of 54.1 years. The baseline value level was 6.4 in the VAS scale. There were no differences between groups at the beginning phase of the study.
After a two-week treatment period HILT group participants showed a significantly greater reduction in pain than participants of the US group.
Study limitations: the study was limited by the small sample size, lack of placebo group and observation period after treatment procedures.
HILT group's treatments were carried out by laser Hiro 1.0. Its high peak power is 1 kW. Treatment parameters were as follows: emitted wavelength -1064nm, maximum energy per single pulse - 150mJ, average power - 6W, energy density - 760mJ/cm2 and duration of a single pulse - less than 150ms. The initial phase of the treatment concerned the manual scanning (sweeping) of the muscular contracture area (100cm2/30s), especially the upper part of the trapezius and deltoid muscles. In this phase, the total administered dose was 1000J. The intermediate phase include application on trigger points to achieve a reduction in pain up to 70-80%. The average energy dose in this case was 50J. The final phase of the treatment consisted of slow manual sweeping (100cm2/60s) of the same area that was subjected to treatment in the initial phase until achieving a total energy dose of 1000J. Energy densities at various stages were respectively 510, 610, 710 mJ/cm2. In this way, the total dose of administered energy was approximately 2.050 J. The time required for the treatment was approximately 10 minutes.

Participants in the ultrasound therapy group were subjected to a treatment with the application of 1 MHz ultrasound head with an intensity of 2W/cm2 and a duty cycle of 100%. The ultrasound head was operated in a slow circular motion in the area of 20cm2.
The initial value of pain sensation in the HILT group was 6.28 determined in VAS scale, after the treatment it decreased to 2.42.
In the US group, the initial value was 6.6. After the above mentioned treatment session it decreased to 4.44.
VAS is an abbreviation of the Visual Analog Scale. This measuring method is related to the assessment of the reported level in relation to two extreme values. They may include the determination of absence of pain and very sharp pain sensation. Respondents specify their sensation level by indicating a position along the scale. Then, the location is measured at a specified point in relation to the length of sections between the determinants. In such a system, the response in the middle of the VAS scale is 5.
The study was also assessed in the Constant-Murley Scale (CMS) and the Simple Shoulder Test (SST), but the descriptions of these measurement methods are beyond the scope of the article.
A study shows that high power laser therapy was twice as efficient as the ultrasound therapy in the treatment of SAIS.
· Unproven benefit.
· Because ultrasound has the greatest penetration of any other therapeutic modality, tissues can be damaged if ultrasound is used inappropriately - it should only be used in those cases where there has been a full veterinary evaluation.
· Tissue damage can be done before there is a pain response in the patient.
· Should not be used in proximity to open wounds or metal implants, or in cases of cellulitis, infection, unstable fractures or surgical incisions.

Biological Effects of High Power Laser Therapy

Many research trials and clinical studies have been performed to determine the positive effects of Laser Therapy for a wide range of clinical conditions. The following list is a compilation of the most widely studied biological effects of Laser Therapy.

Effect #1:
Pain Relief: Laser Therapy relieves pain through several different biological mechanisms:
1.        It blocks the pain signals transmitted from injured parts of the body to the brain. This makes the nerves less sensitive and significantly         reduces perception of pain.
2.        It helps to decrease inflammation and swelling.
3.        It increases the production and release of natural pain killing chemicals within our bodies.
 Effect #2:
Inflammation Reduction:Laser Therapy causes the smaller arteries and lymph vessels of the body to increase in size, a mechanism called vasodilation. It is this process that allows inflammation, swelling and edema to be cleared away from injury sites more effectively as well as assisting in the more rapid resolution of bruising. Vasodilation also promotes lymph vessels to drain which aids in the healing process. 

Effect #3:
Faster Wound Healing:Your skin and other body tissues are made up primarily of collagen. Fibroblasts are the building blocks needed to create collagen. Laser Therapy stimulates the production of fibroblasts and therefore allows collagen to be made. Laser Therapy, is therefore, an effective treatment for open wounds and burns. 

Effect #4:
Improved Nerve Function:Laser light speeds up the process of nerve cell regeneration. This allows for a shorter recovery time after a nerve injury. Laser Therapy also increases the strength of action potentials, or signals sent along nerve fibers. The increased signal strength improves overall nerve and muscle function. It is for these reasons that Laser Therapy is so effective at reducing the symptoms related to nerve injury – namely sharp pain, numbness, tingling and burning. 

Effect #5:
Accelerated Tissue Repair and Cell Growth:The light emitted by therapeutic lasers penetrates into tissues to stimulate the energy production in cells. The increase in cellular energy enables the cells to absorb nutrients and expel waste products more rapidly. This dramatically accelerates the repair of injured tissues and leads to faster tendon, ligament and muscle healing.

Effect #6:
Increased Metabolic Activity:Laser Therapy also has a significant impact on individual blood cells that pass through the laser beam during treatment. The laser light enables the red blood cells (RBCs) to be able to carry more oxygen and nutrients to the rest of the body. This allows for increased metabolic activity and production of specific enzymes. Both of these effects can be felt throughout the entire body and are not limited to the area exposed to the laser. 

Effect #7:
Improved Blood Flow:Laser Therapy significantly increases the formation of tiny blood vessels, called capillaries, within damaged tissues. More capillaries allow more blood flow to the area of injury. This results in accelerated healing as wounds are closed more rapidly and scar tissue formation is reduced. 

Effect #8:
Reduced Formation of Scar Tissue:After tissue damage has occurred through cuts, burns or surgery; scar tissue often forms around the injury site. Laser Therapy reduces the formation of scar tissue by speeding up the healing process. It does this by improving blood flow to the injured area and thereby allowing for the more effective removal of waste products. Faster healing always leads to less scar tissue formation. 

Effect #9:
Enhanced Immune Function:ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) is the single most important form of energy that powers ALL chemical reactions within ALL cells of the body. When laser light is absorbed by chromophores, which are embedded within most cells of the body, this activates the production of ATP. Higher energy production leads to faster and more efficient cell function. This is especially true of immune-specific cells that are exposed to Laser Therapy. This improved efficiency aids the immune system in fighting off undesirable microbes and pathogens. 

Effect #10:
Acupuncture Point Stimulation:Laser Therapy is also an effective alternative to traditional acupuncture treatment. Traditional acupuncture delivers therapeutic effects through the stimulation of acupuncture points throughout the body. This is achieved by piercing the acupuncture points with needles and then twisting the needles by hand, tamping them or connecting them to electrical stimulation devices. Laser Therapy may be used to stimulate the same acupuncture points without the need for invasive needling or similar mechanical stimulation.


contact donna@gigaalaser.com to get more information.