
Application of Semiconductor Laser in Endoscopic Transnasal Dacryocystorhinostomy

Surgical methods

The use of endoscopic sinus STORZ Germany,0 °, the diameter of 4mm. VELAS30W diode laser system, wavelength (810 ± 10) nm, output power of 1 ~ 30 W, fiber diameter of 400 or 600μm, optical head can be aimed atred light, a diameter of 635 nm, used for positioning, no damageto the mucosa.

DCR stoma Office location:
(1) middle turbinateaxilla as a reference point, away from the top of about 2Department for the lacrimal sac mm stoma Department;
(2) smalllaser fiber by the heart-rending, the tears of small tubesinserted Entry to the lacrimal sac, through the observationof optical fibers of the red hair targeting light to determinethe lacrimal sac Lateral wall of the nasal cavity is theprojection Office stoma. All patients were using localanesthesia, nose Nasal septum in the first endoscopicsubmucosal resection of nasal septum surgery, and thenSelect continuous mode laser conditioning, power for 8 ~ 12W, with laser cut nose Hill Mucosa, lacrimal sac exposedposition, the 11 cases in which the direct use of the laser (more than 15 cases of At the same time with osteotome use) to remove the parts of bone, bone-wall windows of about 10mm × 8 mm, to exposure to tear blue wall to wall tear up lacrimalprobe, Uncinate process cut open with wall to wall tears afterthe expansion of the diameter of 8 ~ 10 mm. Incision on bothsides of the tears turned to the wall, using laser wall willtear around the nasal mucosa and mucosa welding, punishablestoma filling gelatin sponge particles. With three cases ofpreoperative lacrimal probe found that heart-rendingexploration of small spinal stenosis, surgery canalicularProbing of the narrow tube and nasal lacrimal sac into theexpansion tube stoma and fixed in the lateral wall of nasalcavity; more than 23 cases of non - put expansion tube.Deviation of nasal septum in patients with postoperative nasalpacking line, 1 ~ 2 d after the pull-out.



Treatment of Periodontal Pockets with A Diode Laser

The aim of this study is to examine the long-term effect of diode laser therapy on periodontal pockets with regard to its bactericidal abilities and the improvement of periodontal condition.


Fifty patients were randomly subdivided into two groups (laser-group and control-group) and microbiologic samples were collected. There have been six appointments for 6 months following an exact treatment scheme. After evaluating periodontal indices (bleeding on probing, Quigley-Hein) including pocket depths and instruction of patients in oral hygiene and scaling
therapy of all patients, the deepest pockets of each quadrant of the laser-group’s patients were
microbiologically examined. Afterwards, all teeth were treated with the diode laser. The control-group received the same treatment but instead of laser therapy were rinsed with H2O2. Each appointment also included a hygienic check-up. After 6 months the final values of the periodontal indices and further microbiologic samples were measured. The total bacterial count as well as specific bacteria, such as Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Prevotella
intermedia, and Porphyromonas gingivalis, were assessed semiquantitatively. 

The bacterial reduction with diode laser therapy was significantly better than in the control group. The index of bleeding on probing improved in 96.9% in the laser-group, whereas only 66.7% in the control group. Pocket depths could be more reduced in the laser group than in the control group. 

The diode laser reveals a bactericidal effect and helps to reduce inflammation in the periodontal pockets in addition to scaling. The diode laser therapy, in combination with
scaling, supports healing of the periodontal pockets through eliminating bacteria.



The Diode Laser as an Electrosurgery Replacement

Advantages of Diode Lasers Over Electrosurgery

The term “electrosurgery” is not as well known or as accepted by many patients as the term “lasers.” Having said this, the acceptance of this technology in both medicine and dentistry, as a viable method of soft-tissue alteration has made electrosurgery an accepted alternative to the scalpel.

The diode laser has become a popular technology as an alternative for tissue management compared to the traditional methodology of placing a single or double retraction cord in the
sulcus. Many CEREC users routinely use the diode laser to enhance the gingival trough when the margin is either equi-gingival or subgingival, prior to powdering their prep for their digital
impression. The diode laser can be used in almost all instances to produce gingival retraction as an alternative to cord with excellent results both in terms of gingival retraction and margin delineation for the laboratory. Diodes, like electrosurgical units, offer the clinician the ability to work in a bloodless field for the impressions because of the hemostasis that occurs during the procedure. Unlike electrosurgical units where recession can be an issue, as can postoperative pain, diode lasers offer the clinician the ability to precisely remove overhanging, inflamed tissue while creating a gingival trough that is not likely to cause damage to bone, cementum, or pulp tissue like electrosurgical units can.



Diode Laser in Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery

Materials and methods
Beijing Union Medical College Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology and Laser Center in September 2005 to March 2006, in a television under the application of semiconductor laser imaging and its accessories with the laparoscopic treatment of 36 patients with gynecological diseases.

1 General Information: Age 23 ~ 45 years old, are married. Of which 23 cases of infertility.

2 Anesthesia Methods: a comprehensive local anesthesia, or intravenous injection of
pethidine, phenergan, parallel with hydrochloric acid Dihydroetorphine 20μg sedation
analgesics. Skin incision under local anesthesia with procaine. Pelvic internal organs with
0.5% tetracaine 20 ml (100 mg) Penbu for topical anesthesia. Surgical area was added, and
1:16 10000 procaine adrenaline for infiltration anesthesia.

3 Surgical methods: conventional laparoscopic insertion through a special catheter
inserted to connect the flexible optical-fiber laser (diameter 600μm), this catheter in the
surgical laparoscopic. Continue to introduce optical fiber until the TV to see the exposed
fiber laparoscopic about 1 ~ 1.5 cm, activate the laser, you can use. Laser in continuous
mode, by the surgeon with the foot switch control. Such as organizations or separation of
adhesions vaporization, using contact-type, power 8 ~ 13 W; such as the burning endometriotic lesions or coagulation to stop bleeding, using quasi-contact, power 7 ~ 10
The use of quasi-contact optical fiber can be by adjusting the power, the role of distance
and time to control, so that for therapeutic purposes. The distance between the probe and
organizations in general for 2 ~ 4 mm, the role of time of 2 ~ 4 seconds. According to
different conditions for the second abdominal incision (diameter 0.5 ~ 1 cm), enter the
required surgical instruments.

(1)Ovarian chocolate cyst and other benign ovarian cystectomy: cyst puncture and
aspiration washed clean, with its laser-cut surface of the ovarian tissue, stripping out the
cyst, residual cyst wall and bleeding punishable by laser or electrocoagulation cautery,
incision without suture.
(2) Resection of ovarian cysts: cyst puncture and red smoke after the cyst pull to bring to
the middle of the laser to cut off the sections of ovarian ligament and ovarian mesentery
until the free ovary.
(3)Crown ovarian cystectomy: cyst surface with a laser into a line of vascular coagulation,
after carefully cut the line before the leaves broad ligament peritoneum, stripped most of
the cyst, cystic fluid extracted, reverse grip cyst, complete out..
(4) Endometriosis ablation lesions: Note anatomic site, quasi-contact laser burning of
ectopic lesions, so pale.
(5) Pelvic adhesions dissection: Exposure adhesion site, a certain tension, away from the
organ, laser contact adhesive tape, paragraph by paragraph cut, separate adhesion.
(6) Oviduct ostomy: In the tubal end of the enlarged area of stagnant water in order to
Laser "10"-shaped incision, release of liquid, and then a low-power laser cauterizing the
serosal surface umbrella side to make it contraction valgus, and bleeding.

(7)Subserosal myomectomy: paragraph by paragraph, along the fibroid at the base of
laser cut pulp muscle, clamping fibroids Niuchu, laser to stop bleeding wounds.
(8) Polycystic ovarian drilling technique: The laser irradiation optical fiber insertion hole of
ovarian follicles: Every hole diameter of 3 ~ 4 mm, the depth of 4 ~ 6 mm, number of
holes depending on size of the ovaries, after punching the release of follicular fluid, ovary,
compared with surgery before the relaxation narrowing.
(9) Conservative surgery of tubal pregnancy: the Department of membrane in the fallopian
tubes into the vasoconstrictor, mesangial longitudinal side with a laser-cut parts of tubal
pregnancy, clip out the pregnancy, and blood clots after washing the product of the
incision is not sutured. Surgical specimens removed from the abdominal incision, and sent
to pathology. All operations until the pelvic injection lactate Ringer's injection, and
metronidazole, gentamicin reserved. 4 hours ~ 2 days after discharge.


Laser Hemorrhoids Surgery

Effect of diode laser coagulation treatment on grade III internal hemorrhoids

Materials and methods
1. Object inclusion criteria
(1) by the Chinese Medical Association branch of anorectal surgery Surgery Group in2004 developed sub-degree hemorrhoids diagnostic criteria were diagnosed as III-degreehemorrhoids;
(2) preoperative incontinence score are 0 sub-persons;
(3) to exclude themerger has anal stenosis, anal fissure, anal anal diseases, sinusitis and other persons; (4)ruled out surgery and a history of injection therapy;
(5) to exclude those with seriouscomplications (such as severe cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, blood disease).

2. Selected object
86 patients were selected, two groups of patients before hemorrhoids prolapse duringdefecation were required to hand is also satisfied. Hemorrhoids were randomly dividedinto two semi-conductor laser coagulation group of 46 cases, male 26 cases and 20 female,aged 20-68 (average 37) years of age; Closed hemorrhoidectomy group of 40 patients,male 22 cases, female 18 cases, age 22-67 (average 41) years old.

3. laser and optical fibers
810nm, 30W diode laser, 600-micron fiber, the fiber end of the 5mm jacket layercurettage, to avoid the hot melt solidification coat layer.

4. surgery methods
1) Diode laser coagulation hemorrhoid surgery: spinal anesthesia using pronejackknife position, in the buttocks wide tape affixed to both sides of the sutureand fixation on the operating table edge, exposed operative field. PSA33 analpurse-string suture with the use of mirrors revealed hemorrhoids
A.In hemorrhoids skin at the lateral margin of anal tube with the needle 18 into the hemorrhoids. Exit needle core, ascending into 600um fiber, placedin the central hemorrhoids, and then withdraw trocar. Open the laser treatment device, set the transmit power of 3W, each pulse time of 1S.,Interval time set to 1S.. Laser fiber and laser treatment instrument connected,open the light source, we can see the red light directed through the hemorrhoidalmucosa, so that the overall permeability hemorrhoids, showing bright red. Afterthe launch of laser can be seen gradually shrink hemorrhoids, direct light is alsogradually being interdictions to be hemorrhoids as a whole can no longer be likethe end of treatment was transparent. Based on the size of hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids can be of optical fiber in a central location up and down and movearound, line multi-point solidification, the solidification time for each ofhemorrhoids 60-120S. Treatment with the rest of hemorrhoids, surgerycompleted only in the anal margin of left puncture marks on non-surgical wounds,surgery without the use of antibiotics.

2) Closed hemorrhoidectomy: Compliance routine surgical operation

Diode laser wavelength is 810nm, there is a better role in the solidification and gasification. Meanwhile, the deoxy-hemoglobin absorption of 810nm wavelength laser, the highest rate, so the diode laser has a good hemostatic effect. Diode laser temperature curve steep, that is, the penetration depth of laser light, the surrounding deep tissue safer.Studies have confirmed that endovenous laser treatment in the peak temperature oftreatment area will not cause permanent heat damage outside the organization. Take advantage of this feature to avoid surgery anal sphincter damage the thermal coagulation.

Accordingly, through the fiber hemorrhoids in diode laser irradiation, selectively makehemorrhoids venous plexus and the surrounding tissue coagulation degeneration, fibrosis,vascular occlusion to make hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids shrinking fixed, the purpose ofcorrecting prolapsed hemorrhoids.

Diode laser coagulation hemorrhoids and hemorrhoidectomy is different in the treatment of hemorrhoids when you only to insert thin laser fiber, the use of the laser characteristics make hemorrhoidal venous plexus and surrounding tissue coagulation variability, withoutany incision and excision method is simple and , trauma, postoperative pain and thereforea minor. In addition, the removal of anal cushions for failing organization, they can be used to maximize the protection of anal function. The technology is also different from sclerotherapy, as sclerotherapy, and not directly to the expansion of the hemorrhoidal venous plexus degeneration of occlusion, it may be easy to relapse after treatmenthardening agent one of the reasons.



Cervix–Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (VAPORIZATION)

Cervix–Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia

Although treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is now more commonly performed by the large-loop excisional technique, the laser was the ideal method of treatment of the 1980s and still offers another option. Treatment of CIN can be performed by vaporization or by excisional conization using the laser as a substitute for the scalpel. The major advantages of the laser for the treatment of CIN include:
  1. High degree of clinical efficacy
  2. Bloodless field
  3. Microscopic precision
  4. Sparing of normal tissue
  5. Rapid healing with minimal scar formation
  6. Small number of complications
  7. Outpatient methodology
When using the laser coupled to the colposcope, one should first define the extent of the lesion. One should keep in mind that endocervical glands may lie deep in the stroma to a depth of 6–7 mm; therefore, treatment should be carried out to a minimum of 9–10 mm with a peripheral margin of 3 mm. This procedure is performed with 30–40 W of power with a 2-mm-diameter spot and takes about 5–10 minutes to complete under local anesthesia. Vaporization is performed to a minimal depth of 1 cm and ends at the level of the endocervical canal. The cervical defect should resemble a funnel, as if one performed a small cone biopsy.

The operative site is circumferentially outlined with a 3- to 5-mm margin around the lesion. The cervix is then divided into four quadrants. Power is increased to 30–40 W. Beginning in the lower quadrants and using a circular pattern, vaporization is carried down to a depth of 1 cm. The endocervical canal is usually spared. Measurements are made at frequent intervals, relating the depth to the surrounding ectocervical surface. When the lower half of the cervix has been vaporized, a similar procedure is followed for the anterior surface.


AEEDC 2013, Professional Dental Show In Dubai

The 17th AEEDC will be held in Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre, please visit GIGAA MEDICAL LASER at 118.


980nm Laser PLDD Treatment

Clinical Application:
VELAS30B diode laser for percutaneous laser disc decompression treatment from GIGAALASER

Clinic Explanation:
The mechanism of PLDD is use laser energy to evaporate water in the nucleus pulposus.A decrease of intradiscal volume causes a disproportionally large decrease in intradiscal pressure.A reduction of intradiscal pressure causes the herniated disc material to recede toward the center of the disc, thus leading to reduction of nerve root compression and radicular pain.

Related Keywords:

nucleus pulposus,disc decompression,herniated lumbar disc,PLDD

Medical device:
Mode: CW mode
Operation power: 10-15W

400um fiber, PLDD kits,CT machine.18g-needle 

Operation procedure:
1. The patients well put on the CT table,make the lumbar spine in a semi-flexed position.
2. Under the X-Ray guidance,find the puncture point and the pathway,infiltration with 2%lidocaine,a 15 cm,18-gauge needle was inserted 8 cm deer in the midline, into the centre of the disc
3. Connecting the accessories, then opening the device and setting parameters.Out put power 10w~15w.
4. Press the foot switch and lase the total energy of 1200j~1500j which displayed on the screen.

1. Reduce volume and pressure of the pathological disk without damage to other spinal structures
2. Avoidance of general anesthesia,reduced recovery time, reduced soft-tissue and bone injury
3. No interference with the muscles, bones or joints, and there is no manipulation of the nerves in the lower back.

* Synchronous suction technique through syringe is necessary for the improvement the overall outcome


Hemorrhoid Laser Surgery

980nm diode laser system for hemorrhoid surgery

The hemorrhoidal laser procedure represents a new nonexcisional, mini-invasive treatment for patients suffering from second and third degree hemorrhoids without severe mucosal prolapse. Thermal occlusion of the hemorrhoidal arteries causes a progressive shrinkage of hemorrhoidal cushions. The procedure does
not require anesthesia, is technically easy, repeatable, and can be performed as an office treatment.



Veterinary Diode Laser Therapy

Veterinary Diode Laser Therapy

The picture about Histiocytoma in dog that planto cut her finger but we use Gigaa  laser to destroy tumor. 


Laser Lipolysis In Hips

Keywords:localized fat deposits,correct body asymmetries,fat deposits,skin/collagen contraction,skin/fat-heat,Volumetric Heating,skin rejuvenation lasers,Laser-tissue interaction for fat,fat liquefaction

                                                 LASER LIPOLYSIS MANUAL
Clinic Explanation:Laser lipolysis is based on a thermal effect to facilitate fat removal, enhance hemostasis and increase tissue tightening.
Related Keywords: localized fat deposits,correct body asymmetries,fat deposits,skin/collagen contraction,skin/fat-heat,Volumetric Heating,skin rejuvenation lasers,Laser-tissue interaction for fat,fat liquefaction
Treatment Area:Hips/thighs/buttocks: 15W;chin/arms/knees: 6W;abdomen/back: 10W
Medical device:Velas 30W 980nm with CW
Accessories:600um optical fiber;1 mm cannula;18 gauge needle;lipolysis handpiece
Operation procedure:Treatment parameter:Power: 18WOperation mode: CW
1. Obtain the patient's consent to take photographs, use a marking pen o draw a topographic map of the areas to be aspirated while the patient is standing, entry points are identified and marked, and the skin is disinfected.
2. Use ultrasound imaging to determine the volume of the fat layer, control tumescent anesthesia infiltration, cannula position prior to laser emission, and postoperative fat liquefaction.
3. Place patient on steriledrapes and/or towels under local anesthesia with adrenaline 1:500 000.
4. Inject tumescent fluid and create a small stab incision of 1-2 mm, just enough to accommodate the infiltration needle.
5. The patient and staff should wear safety goggle.
6. One hand is used to introduce cannula into the deep fat layer and move, creating a radial pattern. Cross-hatching, or inserting the cannula from two different axes (usually perpendicularly), creates a smoother result, the other hand contact with the treated area.
7. Drop out cannula, put lipolysis handpiece with 600um fiber and turn the output power at 18W to burning.
8. Connected to the aspirator (or sometimes a syringe), place the liposuction cannula through the insertion site. Liposuction removes significant amounts of fat, serum and blood.
9. Access wounds are closed with one to two buried absorbable sutures, and place sterile dressings.
10. Compression garments and absorptive pads are applied to the wounds immediately postoperatively and may be worn for up to 1 month or more, there were no restrictions to activity, except sun exposure, depending on the surgeon.
 1. There is a greater potential for skin tightening without the increased risk of severe superficial thermal damage.
2. Stimulates collagen formation, enhancing skin elasticity and promoting skin contraction.
3. Laser lipolysis is more suitable for treating small and compact areas. Furthermore, it can also be used to improve local irregularities after conventional liposuction.
1. If the main objective of laser lipolysis is fat liquefaction, reduced bleeding and tissue tightening are also important.



Gigaa Veterinary Diode Laser System

The advantage of Gigaa diode lasers in Veterinary applications
  • Economical and well-built smaller
  • Easy operate for surgical room and outdoors
  • The laser delivery system with different diameter optical flexible fiber from 200um to 1000um in contact and non contact mode
  • Satisfied with multitude of clinical applications with special hand pieces , optical focused hand pieces and endoscope
  • Precise and safety
  • No maintenance and long life time.


Surgery and General Surgery
  • Anal Sac Abscessation
  • Ceruminous Adenocarcinoma
  • Declaw
  • Epibulbar Melanoma
  • Hemangiopericytoma
  • Perianal Tumors
  • Tendon Sheath Tumors
  • Ablation of Penile and Cervical Lesions
  • Entrapped Epiglottis Procedure
  • Ethmoid Hematoma
  • Gutteral Pouch Membrane Ablation
Small Animal
  • Ear Canal Ablation
  • Gingivectomy/Plasty
  • Laryngeal Scar Removal
  • Oral, Ear, Nose & Throat
  • Osteosarcoma of Palate
  • Salivary Gland Removal
  • Soft Palate Resection
  • Tonsillectomy
  • Conjunctiva Treatment
  • Distichia, Ectopic Cilia
  • Entropion
  • Eyelid Tumor Removal
  • Hemangioma Removal
  • Mast Cell Tumors

Avian and Exotic
  • Cesearian Section
  • Eyelid Polyp Removal
  • Granulation Tissue Ablation
  • Papilloma Removal
  • Renal Adenocarcinoma


Gbox Portable Surgery Diode Laser Systems

Gbox Portable Surgery Diode Laser Systems


1 Dermatology
Hemartoma cutting / Cutting nevus / EVLT(Endovenous Laser Treatment)
Staphylectomy/ Cavernous hemangioma/ Apostaxis/ Coryza (chronic, hypertrophic, allergic)/ Rhinopolypus cutting, conchotomy/ Tonsillectomy/ Neoplasm cutting
3 Urology  
Prostatauxe vaporization and cutting/ Verruca acuminata treatment/ Urocyst neoplasm cutting/ Scrotum cyst cutting/ Hemartoma / Urethrostenosis/ Urethrophyma cutting
4 Gynecology
Vaporization and coagulation of endometriosis / Endometrial polyps cutting / Coagulation and incision of uterine myoma / Cervical erosion
5 General surgery
Laparoscopic laser cholescystectomy/ AppendectomyAppendectomy/ Mammary gland cutting/ Hemorrhoidectomy/ Oncotic cutting
6 Orthopedics
PLDD ( Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression)
Mammary cancer/ Liver cancer/ Prostatic carcinoma/ Osteoma/ Trachea cancer/ Endometrium cutting



Laparoscopic Surgery with Diode Laser in Gynecology

Gigaa VELAS 30/60W provide best solutions for laparoscopic surgery in gynecology.

(1)Ovarian chocolate cyst and other benign ovarian cystectomy: cyst puncture andaspiration washed clean, with its laser-cut surface of the ovarian tissue, stripping out thecyst, residual cyst wall and bleeding punishable by laser or electrocoagulation cautery,incision without suture.

(2) Resection of ovarian cysts: cyst puncture and red smoke after the cyst pull to bring tothe middle of the laser to cut off the sections of ovarian ligament and ovarian mesenteryuntil the free ovary.

(3)Crown ovarian cystectomy: cyst surface with a laser into a line of vascular coagulation,after carefully cut the line before the leaves broad ligament peritoneum, stripped most ofthe cyst, cystic fluid extracted, reverse grip cyst, complete out..

(4) Endometriosis ablation lesions: Note anatomic site, quasi-contact laser burning ofectopic lesions, so pale.

(5) Pelvic adhesions dissection: Exposure adhesion site, a certain tension, away from theorgan, laser contact adhesive tape, paragraph by paragraph cut, separate adhesion.

(6) Oviduct ostomy: In the tubal end of the enlarged area of stagnant water in order toLaser "10"-shaped incision, release of liquid, and then a low-power laser cauterizing theserosal surface umbrella side to make it contraction valgus, and bleeding.

(7)Subserosal myomectomy: paragraph by paragraph, along the fibroid at the base oflaser cut pulp muscle, clamping fibroids Niuchu, laser to stop bleeding wounds.

(8) Polycystic ovarian drilling technique: The laser irradiation optical fiber insertion hole ofovarian follicles: Every hole diameter of 3 ~ 4 mm, the depth of 4 ~ 6 mm, number ofholes depending on size of the ovaries, after punching the release of follicular fluid, ovary,compared with surgery before the relaxation narrowing.

(9) Conservative surgery of tubal pregnancy: the Department of membrane in the fallopiantubes into the vasoconstrictor, mesangial longitudinal side with a laser-cut parts of tubalpregnancy, clip out the pregnancy, and blood clots after washing the product of theincision is not sutured. Surgical specimens removed from the abdominal incision, and sentto pathology. All operations until the pelvic injection lactate Ringer's injection, andmetronidazole, gentamicin reserved. 4 hours ~ 2 days after discharge.



Velas 60W Surgical Diode Laser System

The Velas 60w diode laser is a new generation medical laser, the higher output power can provide both an excellent cutting and vaporization. The 60w laser can not only meet the need of the general surgical departments like Endovascular and ENT, but also some other departments whcih has higher technical requirements like Gynecology and Urology etc



Biological Effects of Laser

● Thermal effect: the irradiated tissue can elevate temperature, correct optical output port temperature is even a few hundred or thousands of degrees, use the organization to make the water boiling, increase pressure, and separate organization. At the same time, make the edge to have a coagulation or vaporization, so you can get a cutting, freezing, evaporation and other clinical results.

● Photochemical effect: biological macromolecules absorb the laser photon energy and cause chemical reactions in vivo series, it can reduced the activity of enzymes, amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, or have an effect on treatment and diagnosis.

● EMF effect: in the form of electromagnetic fields play a role in biological tissue.

● Pressure effect: radiation pressure, air recoil pressure, pressure within the gasification, thermally induced expansion of pressure, electrostrictive pressure and so on.

● Stimulating effect: mainly in the weak laser, biology absorb photons, get energy, change and have biological reaction.



PLDD Laser Treatment

The principle of the laser in the treatment of PLDD
Percutaneous laser disc decompression is the use of laser thermal effect and prominent vertebral Vaporization of disc nucleus and form part of the space, reducing the pressure inside the disc, from the Reduce or eliminates the oppression of the nerve, which achieve the purpose of treatment.

The therapeutic method of the laser treatment for PLDD
Local anesthesia, X-ray machine needle puncture guided positioning
From the core needle, into optical fiber, optical fiber needle tip beyond the top 3mm of the appropriate
Fixed optical fiber on the Y-valve, lasing, vaporization nucleoplasty
Fiber and needle withdrawal, elastic waist-bandage
It can be use for several treatments for PLDD

The advantages of laser treatment of PLDD
Local anesthesia, minimally invasive surgery, non-bleeding, Mini-invasive
Operation time is short, safe, effective
Rapid recovery, fewer complications
It can be use for several treatments for PLDD at same time

The composition of VELAS laser system for PLDD
VELAS medical diode laser therapeutic apparatus
Laser protective goggle
Optical fiber 400um/600um for medical use
18G needle
Elastic waist



980nm VS 1064nm Laser liposuction

Currently, the clinical studies are focus on 1064nm and 980nm wavelengths.
Compared with the ND: YAG 1064nm laser, the 980nm diode laser has following

•More quickly: higher absorption of water make 980nm diode laser melt the adipocyte more quickly.
•More safety: high frequency guarantee safe performance and no harm to surrounding tissue.
•More stable performance: adopt the air-cooling system, the 980nm diode laser with more reliable performance and easy to maintenance.

•More portable and affordable: small in size and light in weight, what’s more, the 980nm diode laser with less cost and longer life time.



Weight Loss

Loving beauty is the nature of female. And now it is also the nature of male and children.
However, obesity, also called fat person is an increasingly serious problem in western countries and the quantity has dramatically increased since 1995. According to WHO (World Health Organization) report, the fat person who’s BMI index over 30 has increased from 200million in 1995 year to more than 300million in 2000 year. To make things worse, more and more young people and even the children become fat. The obesity not only causes a series diseases but also brings psychological problems. Most people are unconfident or feel inferior for their overweight body shape. So, loss weight is a problem of great urgency.

There are many methods to lose weight, such as, on diet, take exercise and weight loss drug etc. However, on diet and take weight loss drug is unhealthy, it always associate with a series side effect. We usually learnt from newspaper that someone is fall in a faint or malnourished for on a diet, or even death by eat weight lose drug. Take exercise is a health method, but it is a long process, most people are failed because they can’t insist it. Besides, take exercise is not effect to resistant fat.

To solve the increasingly serious obesity problem, we need to find a quickly, safety and effective method. Liposuction comes at his proper moment. Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure which removes unwanted areas of subcutaneous fat. Thanks to mini-invasive surgery, less pain and bleeding, it is now widely used, particularly in America and Europe. According to a survey, the USA government cost more than 900 billion on treatment of obesity and it relevant disease. As big market demand, the liposuction market has become the one of the hottest business.      



Laser Liposuction Vs. Traditional Liposuction

Both traditional and laser liposuction procedures have the same function: to rid the fat deposits that affect the aesthetic of the body contour and cause the cellulite "dimples" in the skin. The traditional method is focus on rid larger amount of dis-proportioned fat, like fat in thigh. While the laser liposuction provides ideal fat melt performance for every position, even in neck or chine. What’s more, the laser lipolysis is base on thermal effect, it can tighten the skin during the procedure.

Invasive Vs. Non-Invasive
Traditional liposuction is an invasive surgical procedure, meaning that incisions are made into the skin so that the surgeons can work below the surface skin layers. Laser liposuction is a non-invasive or minimally invasive procedure, depending on the amount of fat.

Traditional liposuction involves the removal of fat through the suction of a straw-like tube (canulla). Laser guided liposuction employs high-energy thermal laser beams that penetrate the skin tissue and heat the fat deposits in the skin's lower layers, breaking up and emulsifying these deposits, and also stimulating new collagen and elastin growth in the skin.



VELAS30W Laser Hemorrhoids

Clinical Application:
Laser Hemorrhoid surgery

Related Keywords:
Hemorrhoidal laser procedure (HeLP),
Doppler‐guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation (HAL),
Transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization (THD)

Medical device:
VELAS 30Watt 980nm

600um bare fiber

Operation Procedure:
1 Laser settings:
13W Ton 1.2s Toff 0.6s

2 Clinic Science:
Although the real pathophysiology of hemorrhoidal disease remains controversial, the‘‘vascular’’ theory has recently been considered a very likely potential cause of hemorrhoids.

According to this theory, arterial overflow in the superior hemorrhoidal arteries would lead todilatation of the hemorrhoidal venous plexus based on the anatomical findings of arteriovenoushemorrhoidal shunting system without capillary interposition.

Due to preferential thermal coagulating effect on blood of 980nm wavelength, the shrinkageeffect of the laser on submucosal arteries is more selective and periarterial damage of themucosa is extremely reduced.

3 Clinic Procedure:
1) No anesthesia.
2) A specially designed disposable proctoscope is inserted into the rectum3) At the distal end of the proctoscope, there is a small window that holds a Doppler transducer.
3) The Doppler probe identify the terminal branches of the superior hemorrhoidal arteries approximately 3 cm proximal to the dentate line.
4) Once the arterial flow is located, remove the Doppler probe and replace the 600um fiber.
5) Release the laser and reintroduce the Doppler probe to check the closure of the artery.

No anesthesia
Reduced risk of complications
Quick recovery for laser treatmentUsually provide immediate relief of symptoms