
EVLT and Conventional Stripping

As a less invasive alternative to conventional stripping in the treatment of great saphenous vein (GSV) insufficiency, endovenous laser therapy (EVLT) has gained popularity rapidly due to its high degree of safety and efficiency in treating the primary varicose veins and reflux.
In addition, even for small saphenous vein (SSV) which has been much less frequent subject for EVLT or surgery than GSV, several good
results of the endovenous laser ablation have been reported in recent years. Many clinicians offer this EVLT as thetreatment of choice to patients with venous reflux.

VELAS15D (15w 1470nm) diode laser be seemed the ideal device for EVLT. 
It provides safe and highly effective operation. The low energy lever needed using the radial laser fiber significantly minimized adverse effects 
compared with the bare laser fiber.

welcome to visit www.gigaalaser.com to get more info.

