
Laser Clinic Training for Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression(PLDD) in Dominican Republic

This course is based on individual one to one tuition in a A1 health center.
Didactic teaching using prepared and distributed literature and opportunities to question the experts will be followed by observation of live cases in the operating room.

Course objectives
At the end of the course the participants will:
Understand the basics of laser safety
Understand the indications and contraindications of Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression
Understand how to apply their understanding to their own clinical practice.


Our results with PLDD
Lasers for PLDD
Laser physics and safety
Room requirements
Case videos on USB to take away.
Theatre and nursing issues
Discussion how to start up, get good results and avoid complications
Assessment and Certification
Assessment is done by a short MCQ exam and on completion the participants will be given Certificates of Training in PLDD using the Gigaa Laser
Dr. Fernando Sanchez Agramonte
Centro Médico Universidad Central del Este
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Email: drfdosancheza@hotmail.com  Tel: 809-687-9307
Or you could contact Gigaa laser
Tel:+86-27-67848871 67848872
Email: info@gigaalaser.com

