
High Power Therapy FAQS

Laser therapy devices being used in the US today range in power output from 5 milliwatts to 15,000 milliwatts. Class 3a lasers are 5 milliwatts, Class 3b range from 5 to 500 milliwatts, and a Class 4 laser is any greater than 500 milliwatts (or half a Watt).

The adjustable power allows for a wide range of treatment protocols. Class 4 laser therapy delivers a therapeutic dosage to a large volume of tissue in a shorter period of time.

How many treatment sessions are necessary?

The number of sessions will depend on the exact diagnosis, age and overall health status of the patient, and other factors. In general, acute conditions can be treated more frequently and require fewer visits, typically 4-6. Chronic conditions may require more visits, and do not need treatment as frequently. The effects of treatments are cumulative.
Patients may experience significant pain relief very quickly – it is important to follow through with care in order to benefit from the biostimulative properties of therapeutic laser light.

Some patients tell that they feel heat even if they are treated with high power Laser emission. Are high power treatments based on thermal effects?
The primary mechanism of laser therapy is photobiomodulation. Mild warming of superficial tissues may enhance circulation and feel soothing; however the stimulation of cells and tissue repair is based on scientific research that has demonstrated positive physiological effects of infrared wavelengths on cellular organelles and electron chain molecules.

I already have ultrasound and electric muscle stimulation machines, why should I get high power therapy laser?
High power therapy laser delivers physiological benefits that no other modality can deliver. By stimulating adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production and enhancing cell membrane permeability (along with other effects) high power therapy actually helps your patient’s injuries heal, rather than just masking the pain. High power therapy is not a thermal treatment; it is bio-stimulatory from photochemical reactions in cellular tissue. 


