
Tooth bleaching

Gigaa Cheese 7W 810nm for tooth bleaching 

Operation procedure:
1.      Connect the bleaching handpiece with device. The distence of the beaching handpiece was adjusted to achieve a fixed beam diameter of 6mm.
2.      The gel will be applied to all the teeth, if necessary apply also coffer dam for protection of the gum and irradiated with 15-25 seconds.
3.      Bleaching handpiece will treat about 4-5 teeth once, so you need to do it many times to complete all the teeth. Wait 1 minute after treating all the teeth first time then do it again for another three times..
4.      The gel will be wiped off after treatment and the color is checked. Repreat this procedure until the color is satisficed.
When applied in vivo, this laser treatment protocol excluded thermal damage to the pulp and discomfort to the patient.
The bleaching treatment does leed to lasting hyper sensiticities but doctors should pay attention to the feeling of patients

Click www.gigaalaser.com to get more info

