
Endo Laser Vein System [SURGICAL]

What are varicose veins?
The medical term for varicose veins is varices or venous insufficiency. The key function of the venous system is to transport deoxygenated blood from the various organs & parts of the body back to the heart. In healthy veins, valves located within the veins prevent the venous blood from returning back down the leg. When these valves no longer function correctly the vein is termed ‘incompetent’ and venous blood collects in the veins, causing them to enlarge.
The result is visible ‘varicose veins’ that are the cause of the pain, swelling & discomfort you may feel in your lower limbs. This is an indication of malfunction of the venous system and should be investigated by a vascular specialist to help prevent potentially more serious problems arising later.
Why ELVeS™?
ELVeS™ (Endo Laser Vein System) is a gentle and quick solution to any vein related problems. This versatile system enables simple, effective treatment of a range of varices using the latest laser technology. The procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia and has the following advantages:-
  • Minimal discomfort
  • Short treatment time
  • Excellent aesthetic results
  • A rapid return to normal activities

Which varices can be treated with the laser?
Just FDA approved in June 2002; Endo Laser Vein System (ELVes: pronounced Elvis) has been introduced to North Bay California by Dr. Tom. The ELVeS procedure was developed by Biolitec, Inc. for the treatment of reflux (incompetent leaky valves) of the Greater Saphenous vein. This major superficial vein of the leg when incompetent is responsible for the development of most varicose veins. ELVeS is an effective alternative to traditional surgical stripping of the Greater Saphenous vein.

The Greater Saphenous vein is located by ultrasound. Then through a small needle puncture under local anesthesia a laser fiber is passed up the vein to the highest point of reflux (leaky valve). Laser energy passes through the fiber to cause the vein walls to close. Other large varicose veins that come off of the Greater Saphenous vein will either resolve without further treatment or be more easily amenable to other therapies such as Sclerotherapy or ambulatory phlebectomy.

Treatment time can be under 1 hour, performed in an outpatient setting. Daytime compression hose are recommended for two weeks. With no large scars there is minimal to no down time.
After treatment, blood no longer flows through the enlarged veins and the pooling and of venous blood no longer occurs. The treated leg appears smooth and glowing again. Ready to be shown!
In some cases after the procedure, the patient may experience a slight ‘pulling’ feeling along the treated vein. This is all part of the natural healing process.
Normal activities can be resumed shortly after ELVeS treatment, with the exception of vigorous exercise.

Excellent aesthetic & cosmetic results
ELVeS™ treatment is well tolerated by patients and shows impressive and convincing cosmetic results. As the procedure is minimally invasive, it leaves no scarring. Long term side effects such as skin discoloration or pigment changes have not been observed.
Pregnancy, prolonged standing, and heredity are the primary causes of unsightly and often painful varicose and spider veins. As we age, more visible leg veins frequently emerge and our existing veins become increasingly noticeable. Spider veins most commonly show up on the legs but can also appear on the face. There is a simple solution to this problem. A sclerosing solution—and a cosmetic procedure called Sclerotherapy!

What does the treatment involve?
Treatment may vary from 15 to 30 minutes. As a result of treatment, the walls of the veins are damaged by the laser"s heat. The body next induces a healing process. The veins shrink and become less visible or disappear altogether. Medical studies have documented exceptional results on veins with laser treatments. Utilizing a laser allows customized treatment of virtually every small vein disorder, including deep veins and veins that do not respond to other treatment methods. 

What are the side effects and is there "down time"?
The beauty of this treatment is that there is no down time involved. You can resume regular activities immediately. Pain is generally mild. Swelling and mild bruising can occur, but most always resolve over time. Limiting sun exposure will greatly minimize the risk of complications.


