
Why Use A Laser for Fungal Nail Infections

Medicine has benefited significantly from the use of lasers. Specifically within dermatology, advances in laser technology have allowed the development of the lasers to target fungal cells. Over the past 5 years the advances have been significant initially using heat delivered with the diode laser. Other lasers have utilised this modality based on applying heat to the nail allowing it to pass through and vaporise the fungus with the energy.

Different wavelengths of light exert an effect on different cells. The two wavelengths employed stimulate the immune reaction to fungus in the nail and also kill the fungus by reacting with its cell wall.
Fungus is contained within the nail complex and the lasers are able to target these fungal cells directly without the risks involved when oral medication is taken or the long period of time required when applying topical medicaments that aren’t able to penetrate to the nail bed.
Both lasers have no detrimental effect on healthy skin or nail and requires no anaesthetic. They are not surgical and there is no recovery period or effect on activity after treatment.


