
Laser hemorrhoid treatment

The ability to use lasers to remove haemorrhoids is much welcomed by anyone who suffers from this condition. The old-fashioned way of removing haemorrhoids involved major surgery and internal and external cutting, the recovery from which was long and difficult for the patient.


With lasers, the surgeon has pinpoint accuracy and can excise and vaporise the haemorrhoid. This technique allows for unimpaired healing, which is far more rapid than recovery from a traditional hemorrhoidectomy, accuracy and precision, according to Hemorrhoid.net.


The patient endures far less discomfort and less medication and usually doesn't have to stay overnight in the hospital.


When using a laser for this purpose, it seals off tiny blood vessels and nerves. When the nerve endings are sealed off, this results in minimal post-surgical pain for the patient. By closing blood vessels, the surgeon is capable of operating in an environment that is bloodless and more controlled.


The Mayo Clinic advises that using a laser, infrared light or heat results in coagulation of the blood. The internal haemorrhoids then bleed, following by hardening and shrivelling. This is an effective treatment; however, it is possible that your haemorrhoids may return when this technique is used.

Minimally Invasive

The Cleveland Clinic describes the use of a laser for haemorrhoid removal as minimally invasive, noting that the laser beam is used to burn away the haemorrhoid tissue.


