
Surgery for Hemorrhoids

Most hemorrhoids easily treated with over-the-counter medications or home remedies. Mild hemorrhoids often go away without treatment. Sometimes, though, the hemorrhoids are so severe that surgical intervention may be required to treat them. Here is what you need to know about hemorrhoid surgery to help you decide if you want to undergo this procedure.

Hemorrhoids Removal Surgery
There are a few of different types of procedures a doctor may recommend depending on the severity of the hemorrhoids:
Hemorrhoidectomy: This is an outpatient procedure. After applying a local anesthesia, the doctor makes small incisions around the anus to extract the external hemorrhoids. Typically you can go home the same day and you will experience immediate relief of pain, itching, swelling and other symptoms related to the hemorrhoids. The downside of this procedure is that the cuts may require stitches and you may still experience discomfort as the incisions heal post-surgery.
PPH (Procedure for Prolapse and Hemorrhoids): Internal hemorrhoids don’t usually cause problems unless they prolapse. This is when the hemorrhoid protrudes through the anus which can be immensely painful. During this procedure, the doctor repositions the hemorrhoids and uses a staple to keep it in place and cut off the blood supply. Without a source of blood, the hemorrhoids typically shrivel up and go away. This procedure causes less complications and recovery time is faster.
Laser Therapy: During this surgery, a laser is used to burn the hemorrhoids away. The process is not painful and bleeding is minimized. Most people can go home the same day after a laser hemorrhoidectomy. The main disadvantage to this type of treatment is the cost. It requires specialized equipment (medical diode laser system). 
Sclerotherapy: Medicine is injected directly into the hemorrhoids that shrink and destroy them. While effective for many patients, this therapy can cause side effects including allergic reaction, changes in vision, skin necrosis, and hyperpigmentation. The medication may also cause problems in pregnancy, so women who are expecting should take special precautions.
Ligation: This treatment consists of tying rubber bands around the base of the hemorrhoid to cut off the supply of blood. The doctor tries to reduce pain by performing this procedure on areas that have little to no pain receptors

